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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Ashley

    Pawprint tattoo!

  2. Ashley

    Baby birds

    How exciting! Can't wait to see pictures!
  3. Ashley

    Chin Home alone?

    I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable leaving a chin alone for that long, at least not without someone to check on the basics like food, hay and water. I would think maybe two days max, but it also kind of depends how far away you would be if something were to happen.
  4. Ashley

    Babies and more cuteness

    Great pics! All of your babies are precious, fluffs and humans!
  5. Ashley

    Router crapped out - just the beginning!!

    That's ridiculous! Glad your back in business now though!
  6. Ashley

    My one year anniversary

    That was very sweet of him! Definitely a keeper:))
  7. Ashley

    Just a curiosity question.

    I would think they like the fleece tubes because they feel secure, but at the same time have a view of their kingdoms so they know what's going on around them. Luci, I think they're ok with fleece because they do like to be warm and cozy sometimes, but as long as they can get out it if it gets...
  8. Ashley

    oh poo...

    I've had that happen before! A shop vac is a chin owners best friend!
  9. Ashley

    Kunya's cuddle buddy!

    Aww, very sweet!
  10. Ashley

    Fn 142!!!

    Awesome! Hope to see some pics soon:))
  11. Ashley

    Rounded corners/edges???

    The best way to get the rounded edges, like Zach said, is with a router. You can buy different bits for different edging effects.
  12. Ashley

    Chins do the darndest things

    Too funny!
  13. Ashley

    Blake-in all his glory

    Very cute! I love popcorning chins:heart3:
  14. Ashley

    Lost Jackson today...

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Big hugs:heart:
  15. Ashley

    Piccies of Felix from today

    Ridiculously cute chinnie you've got there!
  16. Ashley

    Marleybaby's new Lolabunny!

    Congrats on the new addition! Good luck with intros!
  17. Ashley

    Grumpy Face Contest!

    My angry little tube worm Lilly Sleepy Flurry
  18. Ashley

    Sambler's Babies

    So sorry for your loss. I hope he continues to do well for you!
  19. Ashley

    New Generator

    That's awesome! Congrats!