Lost Jackson today...

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We found out yesterday during her vet visit that she had genetic malocclusion and the left side of her molars were really sharp. She was underweight so we decided to wait to try and get her weight up with Critical Care (she was gaining weight really good on this) so that her chances with the anesthetic would be better. We booked the appointment for the 29th.

We came home yesterday and she was normal, even helped herself to a nice big supper and enjoyed it thoroughly. When we woke up this morning it was a different matter... she was lethargic and was not herself. We rushed her to the vet immediately and she was really dehydrated and after blood tests, her blood glucose was through the roof. We found out she had genetic diabetes. They spent all morning and part of the afternoon stabilizing her, and she was lucky to survive it. They discharged her and gave us IV fluids and insulin and a schedule to go by. We were to go back on Friday and they would do another check-up. The vet and staff were amazing through the whole thing.

The poor girl was exhausted from being poked and prodded all morning, so we set up a smaller cage with blankets and a heating pad, and let her catch some shut eye. We checked on her periodically and she remained the same. Half an hour after her last check, we went to get her to give her some IV fluids and found she had passed away.

It all happened so quickly, we were in shock. I wish I had been holding her when she went, but I am glad she at least passed at home, comfortable, than in some strange place with people she didn't know.

Jack was 5, almost 6 years old, and was handfed since she was 12 hours old. This was my baby girl and I can't believe she's gone. I haven't stopped crying and it's 2 hours later. I just feel so bad that I couldn't do enough to save her. I'm going to miss her "Jackson Five Kisses" and the cuddling that we always did. She sure was one loved little bugger.
I am so very sorry for your loss. You sound like you were the best possible chin parent there can be and she passed in peace.
I am so incredibly sorry that you lost Jackson. It is so hard to lose a friend. It sounds like you did everything you could, and it's tough when that still isn't enough. I know that Jackson was loved very much and that even though her life was short, it was full of happiness and love. May she rest in peace.
I'm so sorry, what a shock. RIP till you meet again.
From your sig, you seem to have a great cast of chinnies, I hope you can post more so we can get to know you and them. Theresa
I am very sorry for your loss of Jackson, poor baby, sounds like you did all you could. Rest in peace Jackson.
:( sorry to hear about Jackson - just makes you think about how quickly things can change and how important it is to take time to make the most of everyday

Welcome to the forum and I hope you post some pictures of your babies
I'm so sorry you lost her. I've lost two chins, and I know it's never easy. :(
First off I just want to say a big thank you to everyone. It's been so hard and your kind words certainly helped.

It was really nice to hear other (unbiased) people mention that I did everything I could for her, because after everything I still felt as though I failed her. It made me feel better to know that.

The girls she was caged with are certainly confused.. usually at night they are running around so crazy they actually keep us up because they are so loud, but last night they were silent. I didn't know about showing them Jackson before we buried her, so they didn't get that closure, but at least they have each other (and us) for comfort.

I start to think, 'What if we had left her at the vet? Would she still be alive?' but then I have to remind myself... she was underweight and with the diabetic crash, she easily could have passed even under vet care. Would I rather her die there, or at home where she was warm and comfortable? And my answer is always 'home'.

I'll post some pictures as soon as I'm able to without tears streaming down my face! Thanks again everyone.