Pawprint tattoo!

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
So I've been toying with this for a while and finally decided to go ahead and do it... now Kenai will always be walking with me :)) I designed it from a photo I took of his paw... figured that would be a little easier than chinnie finger paint!


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I have also been toying with this idea for awhile. I haven't done it yet, but it will probably be coming in the near future. :p Your's looks great.
Oh that is just too cute! I'm trying to figure out which ankle it's on though.

Edit: It's on the left, right, lol?
Thanks! It's actually on the inside of the right leg, though the pic is a little confusing :))
I was thinking about getting a paw print for each of my critters done, but I think it would go all the way up my leg!

Your tat is beautiful, and - in my opinion - one of the classiest I've seen in terms of size and placement!!! :)
That turned out very nice. It's a wonderful thought behind it too. :)
Thanks everyone :)) My friends think I'm a little nuts for being so "obsessed" with the little ones, so it's great to have a community here who understands chinnie love!
Thanks everyone :)) My friends think I'm a little nuts for being so "obsessed" with the little ones, so it's great to have a community here who understands chinnie love!

my friends and boyfriend think I'm a little nuts as well about the chinnies..oh well lol

love the tat by the way :))
That is so cool. I bet you just started a new trend!
I am getting one too!!! My appt is the end of this month,I am getting more then just a paw print. I love where you want to place it!