Just a curiosity question.

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Does anyone know why chinchillas like fleece tubes??

I have been bored for a good chunk of the day and had some leftover fleece from making him a fleece liner and a large poster tube, so I made him a fleece tube, put it in his cage, and he is now sprawled out inside of it, and he has never laid like that before. He looks like a comfortable chin :)

Maybe they sleep in similar things in their natural habitat??:hmm: I don't know.... I was just curious if anyone knew.
I say he has finally found his "spot"! My boys sleep on top of each other in their fleece tunnel, it's so cute!
Its soft, long, sort of small space. Usually we put them up high, so what is not to love about them! :D
I have always wondered the same thing

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has wondered. :) It's like a lazeboy recliner for chinchillas! He has never seen one before and took to it right away, so it kinda brought the question up.
My guess is that they like tubes because they are kind of a sheltered by them. They also like being up high. I'd say the fact that they are soft is also something they like.
one of my chins LOVES his tube and stays in it all the time, the other one wants nothing to do with it. he only uses it to hide from me when i am trying to get him out to give him his meds!!! maybe when i move it to his new cage he will try it.
Trixie loves her fleecy hammock. Especially in the winter...if she is not sleeping inside..she is sprawled on top of it or underneath it. We have a shelf directly underneath it.
question about fleece.

it does seem rather cozy and i have a fleece hammock, but i was wondering if it makes them warmer. since temperature is number one, does having a chin all cozied up in a fleece bed kinda go against our temperature rules? or is it still ok since they can just get out if they get too warm?
i dont even know if that made sense...its early and im at work.

another thing, does having the fleece beddings increase the liklihood of hair rings (i have a boy)?

i have yet to get a tube for gizmo but its on his wish list.
I would think they like the fleece tubes because they feel secure, but at the same time have a view of their kingdoms so they know what's going on around them.

Luci, I think they're ok with fleece because they do like to be warm and cozy sometimes, but as long as they can get out it if it gets too warm, there shouldn't be a problem.
I know that Trixie rarely goes inside her fleece lined hammock in the hot weather..though she will often lay on top.
I've often wondered the same thing when I sit and look at my 3 girls in their cage. At any given time there are usually 2 of them squeezed in together. I've been considering adding another tube since I walked by and noticed all 3 inside the tube at the same time. All I saw was a huge ball of fur and three tails sticking out. I didn't think they'd get out.