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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Roni Jasper

    How long without spraying before wood can be used?

    My friend has an apple tree that hasn't been sprayed in 3 years. Is it safe to use the wood for chin treats? If not, how long would I need to wait. Thanks
  2. Roni Jasper

    Surprising Pet Makes Kids Smarter

    Came across this and thought it was to cute not to share. :D Surprising Pet Makes Kids Smarter By Webvet | Animal Nation | Tue, Jul 17, 2012 9:05 AM EDT | Comments By If you want your children to do better in school -- get them a chinchilla. A new study found a link between a better...
  3. Roni Jasper

    Jasper ate a cucumber

    Jasper just stole a cucumber from my salad, she got a few nibbles before I wrangled it away from her. She seems to be ok, just pouty because I took her "treat"... Does anyone know if it's ok for a chin to have cucumbers? I've never given them fresh veggies and I don't recall if it's because they...
  4. Roni Jasper

    Okay, she's a weirdo

    I'm convinced that my chinny Ruby is just crazy. She will roll around on the floor of the cage, do these sort of half flips and hops. Then one of hops turns into a jump and she starts running up and down the levels of the cage until she's exhausted and just sort of falls out. She doesn't appear...
  5. Roni Jasper


    My chin likes to sleep on my arm while I read. She's been doing it for years without incident. However, a few nights ago and again tonight she started doing the barking/warning call. Nothing in the environment has changed and I could discern any unusual noise when it started. Is it possible...
  6. Roni Jasper

    Are all of these ingredients chinny safe?

    I was thinking of these organic crackers for my chins but was unsure about a few of the ingredients as I've never given them to them before. Thanks Homemade with wholesome organic ingredients: Parsley, pumpkin, Oats, Timothy Grass Pellets, and carrots.
  7. Roni Jasper

    Finally found the BEST dust bath house!

    I've tried several different houses designed specifically for chin bathing, and then different make shift ones but all were lacking in one area or another. But I've finally found, a dust trapping roomy bath house for the girls. , just...
  8. Roni Jasper

    Rose Hips & itching

    Hi, I've been giving my chins full rose hips and noticed that they scratch their noses while & after eating them. I looked up rose hips and learned what I'm sure most people on here already know, about the itchy insides. I've since started cracking them and just giving my chins the shell (now...
  9. Roni Jasper

    Flying Saucer wheel noise

    My Flying Saucer wheel is about 7 years old and has started to squeak. I want to oil it, but I'm worried this would be dangerous for the chins. Has anyone else run into this, if so, what did you do? (Besides get a new wheel) Thanks
  10. Roni Jasper

    The head bob... is it normal?

    I just got a new little girl a few weeks ago and noticed this odd head bob that she does while I'm holding her. It reminds me of how meerkats behave when they attack a snake. Do you know if this is just normal baby chin behavior (it's been years since I've had a young chin and my older girls...
  11. Roni Jasper

    Anyone selling Critical Care?

    I have a chin that is having dental problems and so I've been feeding her critical care for the past month & a half. I'm getting pouches from the vet but at $14, in addition to all the teeth trimming it's getting expensive so I wanted to see if I could get the critical care somewhere else...
  12. Roni Jasper

    Are Raspberry Sticks Safe

    I've consulted many chinchilla safe wood list, but none have said anything about raspberry wood. Does anyone know if this would be safe to give a chin? Thanks
  13. Roni Jasper

    Sticky Chin & yogurt

    I've recently had to start giving one of my chins this pink sticky antibiotic, she still has 8 more days to go on it and it's been a struggle. The problem is that now the fur around her mouth is sticky from the syringe tip slipping out when it's being administered. I've never tried cleaning my...