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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. E.dante

    bucket wheel feel apart

    thanks. I am much interested in seeing which one wins out.
  2. E.dante

    bucket wheel feel apart

    dante has a bad habbit of throwning his poop when he runs. It gets all over the bolts and things. so the bolts end up getting wet becouse im cleaning it off. thats the reason why its gottin rusty. Although i have tried to see how he does that and apperntly hes a shy runner. Stops every time I...
  3. E.dante

    bucket wheel feel apart

    I went to clean my bucket wheel today and decided to take it apart becouse it was starting to make some noise agian. Well when I did the metal inside the wheel came out and it was extreamly rusty. I have been needing to get a new one becouse dante has caused the bucket part to warp. It isnt...
  4. E.dante

    Transport Pictures

    WoW thats really amazing that you have helped all those animals out. I wish that i was able to help animals out like that. You and your husband are truley amazing people. No kidding around
  5. E.dante

    Evil Hedgehog

    Lurch my puppy has just turned 6 months old this month and has decided that hes going to actually listen now. Can we say yippie. Anyways since hes been so good. I decided it was time to intorduce Dante and Lurch. At first I was worried that Lurch would decided to paw Dante around or something. I...
  6. E.dante

    Preferred Bedding

    I use fleece for the winter and cotten for the summer. Well actually one side of the liner is fleece the other is cotten. So all i do is flip it over deepending on the season. As for litter i like aspen pellets and so does dante. I like them becouse you get a nice woody smell like you wood with...
  7. E.dante

    Cover cages?

    I put a cover over the cage in the winter or if where at moms and there is alot of people coming in and out. That way Dante dosnt have to stress out so much
  8. E.dante

    favorite things to bite

    Dante loves to chew on my clothes. I really dont know why but he will make a b line for my pants or shirt. He has even tried to bit there a blanket to get to my clothes. I dont think its a perfum or a laundry soap becouse my family has a tendcy to buy the cheapest at the time so its not always...
  9. E.dante

    Mazuri Hedgehog Diet?

    I had the vet say the same thing to me. She was a reall good vet and all but somethings should be left to people who get to see the long term affects not just whats wrong with them at the moment if that makes any sence. I dont mean to affened any vets or anything out there. Although it help that...
  10. E.dante

    Gearing up for Breed Specific Legislation in PA.

    I really think the whole not letting people have sertine dogs becouse of there breeds is stupid. All dogs have a tendency to bite yet all dogs have a tendancy not to bite too. I have walked and peted many dogs just fine but one of my friends walks along and pets the same animal and it bite them...
  11. E.dante

    Favorite Treats

    one word carrots. Dante loves carrots. when i give them to him he turns him self orange and walks around like hes the man. He will even pass mealworms up for some cooked carrot.
  12. E.dante

    How long to keep mealworms

    I tryed to grow my own mealworms. I did pretty well until i saw a bettle run across the contaner and then i freaked out and threw them out side on top of the snow for the wild birds. lol. I knew what they where gonna look like and everything it just really got to me. exspecially since they where...
  13. E.dante

    Marshall Pet Bi-Odor Internal Waste Deodorizer - Is It OK?

    I have never really had a problem with my cage stinking as long as i clean it when its supposed to clean it. Some times i have to post pone a cleaning but then dantes cage still really dosnt stink. Although i like the aspean pellets that i use for his cage. They make my room smell good. Yet its...
  14. E.dante

    Can Hammies Love?

    I have had two diffrent types of hamsters when i was younger with tottaly diffrent personalitys. My parents first got me and my sisters there own algerian dwarf hamsters. I hated them. Just for the fact that every time you put your hnd in the cage they bit and hard. They never wanted to be...
  15. E.dante

    Ferret Nation Question

    oh okay. hmmm what should i use then? I sort of liked being able to see him run aroud though at night. I didnt get to see that in the tommy 120.