Twilight Chinchillas
Zookeeper extraordinaire
When your eating chocolate covered raisins, and realize they remind you of something else...
When your eating chocolate covered raisins, and realize they remind you of something else...
... you feel no shame for the list of idiotic nicknames you have for your chins. (Fuzzy Butts, Fur Buckets, Dusty Puffs...)
When planning a new set up in your chinnies cage (of shelves and ledges) you sit infront of the cage after setting it up without your chin in it, and picture your imaginary chin jumping around to see if it works.
Or is this just me? Cause now I am worried =/
You spent all day reading chinchilla forum posts instead of cleaning your place.
...when the thought of a vacation turns your stomache cause you don't want to leave your babies in anyone else's care!