Binx and Yazy both passed away on August 13th. Binx passed that morning and Yazy later that night. I am unsure of the exact cause.
Binx nor Yazy were showing any signs of a respiratory issue. The girls stopped pooping on Wednesday August 8 and I rushed them to the vet and she said they were both in statis and gave them raglan and both girls started pooping Thursday not a lot but I had poop again and things seem to be getting better. Then early Saturday morning August 8 Binx stopped eating and drinking she would not swallow the critical care or the fluids and was not pooping again and seemed like she was a little tired but was still moving around but I could tell her activity level was decreased. I had been hand feeding and giving fluids to the girls for about a week or so and they were still nibbling on their food a little. At this time Yazy was doing fine she was running on her wheel and came out for playtime and very active.
On Saturday August 11 Binx was seen by two vets one that morning and another later that night. The first vet referred me to someone else because she thought she had an obstruction and needed surgery. I called the e-vet she gave me the number too and when I called they said that they could do the x-rays but not treat her because the vet that was there didn’t know much about chinchillas. They also wanted to sedate Binx with some kind of injection (not gas). I told them I really did not want her sedated that she was lethargic and not moving so they could easily get an x-ray without the sedation, but they said that’s how they do it. So I came home and searched for hours for an e-vet that could see chins and treat them. I found one in Louisville Kentucky which was 2 hours from me. When I got Binx down there they said she was severely dehydrated and that there was no obstruction and that she was constipated. I begged the first vet for sub-q fluids because that was my first thought and she said she was NOT dehydrated and it was not necessary. The e-vet gave Binx sub-q fluids and I was told not to be too hopeful because by that time she was not moving much at all and that they usually don’t come back from that. She said she thought that her organs were shutting down and if that were the cause that there was nothing they could do and that she if she made it through the night and Sunday them maybe she had a chance. Binx didn’t improve or get worse Sunday she remained the same. I called as many places as I could find Sunday and was told the same thing. I was told to just make her comfortable that she was passing. So I held her for awhile and would put her back in her cage so Yazy could spend time with her to. I was still hand feeding and giving Yazy fluids and at 4am Monday morning Yazy stopped taking the critical care and fluids. I thought maybe it was because she was sad because Binx was dying because she was always cuddling her. But I rushed her and Binx to the vet Monday morning in an attempt to save Yazy and to have Binx put down….. Binx actually passed on the way there with Yazy cuddling her in the carrier….
Yazy was immediately placed in an oxygen cage because by the time we got there she was showing signs of respiratory issues. They done blood work and x-rays a few hours later because they wanted to give her fluids and an antibiotic first to try and get her a little stronger. I sat out in the parking lot of the vet’s office all day. Then around 3pm they called to let me know to come in so they could give me the results of the x-ray and blood work. The blood work showed that her calcium was low but that was it. The x-rays on the other hand were very confusing to the vet. She said she had never seen anything like it with a chinchilla. There was something wrong with one of her lungs, something wrong with her intestinal tract, and something that appeared to be a mass in her abdomen. They are consulting with another vet about the x-rays to see if they know what all of that was. They did send me the x-rays but 3 of them are not clear at all but I have attached the one that was clear that has something wrong with her lung. They are waiting for the other vet that works there to get back and see if she can fix the setting on the scanner and then resend them.
I just don’t understand what happened and I will probably never have any closer on what happened. When they called me Monday night to tell me Yazy passed it was more than I could handle and hysterical since I had just lost Binx that morning and was not thinking clearly and she asked me about their remains and I told her I wanted them cremated and forgot about the necropsy and by the time I called them Tuesday morning they had already sent them out to be cremated. But they did say that it really needed to be done within 24hrs of the passing and they pushed back a couple surgeries and rescheduled some appointments to help Yazy and they didn’t think they could get to it in enough time with the other vet being out of town and the one there taking all that vet appointments too.
I can’t sleep and have been unable to eat since this all started Saturday. I miss them so much and I have this feeling that I should have done more. Whenever I close my eyes I see their little angelic faces…. I am now so worried about Wakka and Tink even though they don’t seem sick I’m just scared something is going to happen because they don’t know what caused all the things that were wrong with Yazy. I just want my babies back happy and healthy…….
I wanted to add that this all started with Coccidia......That they were being treated for.
I will always remember the silly things they did and how much joy and love they brought to my life and I miss all the little games we played and what excellent treat beggers they were and how Yazy kacked at everyone in the house but me I would always get kisses and sometimes they were rough kisses as she would bite my lip but I didn’t mind and how Binx would snub me if I didn’t give her extra treats and stand up and kack at me if I took something away that she didn’t really need to have like my pen or pencil she always run off with when I was doing homework which seem to be a distraction so Yazy could eat my homework…..
Rest in peace Binx and Yazy Mommy loves you and misses you very much I will always remember you both and you have touched my heart and soul and will forever be in my heart…… My heart is broken into a million pieces right now and I know in time it will heal but it will never heal completely….
Binx nor Yazy were showing any signs of a respiratory issue. The girls stopped pooping on Wednesday August 8 and I rushed them to the vet and she said they were both in statis and gave them raglan and both girls started pooping Thursday not a lot but I had poop again and things seem to be getting better. Then early Saturday morning August 8 Binx stopped eating and drinking she would not swallow the critical care or the fluids and was not pooping again and seemed like she was a little tired but was still moving around but I could tell her activity level was decreased. I had been hand feeding and giving fluids to the girls for about a week or so and they were still nibbling on their food a little. At this time Yazy was doing fine she was running on her wheel and came out for playtime and very active.
On Saturday August 11 Binx was seen by two vets one that morning and another later that night. The first vet referred me to someone else because she thought she had an obstruction and needed surgery. I called the e-vet she gave me the number too and when I called they said that they could do the x-rays but not treat her because the vet that was there didn’t know much about chinchillas. They also wanted to sedate Binx with some kind of injection (not gas). I told them I really did not want her sedated that she was lethargic and not moving so they could easily get an x-ray without the sedation, but they said that’s how they do it. So I came home and searched for hours for an e-vet that could see chins and treat them. I found one in Louisville Kentucky which was 2 hours from me. When I got Binx down there they said she was severely dehydrated and that there was no obstruction and that she was constipated. I begged the first vet for sub-q fluids because that was my first thought and she said she was NOT dehydrated and it was not necessary. The e-vet gave Binx sub-q fluids and I was told not to be too hopeful because by that time she was not moving much at all and that they usually don’t come back from that. She said she thought that her organs were shutting down and if that were the cause that there was nothing they could do and that she if she made it through the night and Sunday them maybe she had a chance. Binx didn’t improve or get worse Sunday she remained the same. I called as many places as I could find Sunday and was told the same thing. I was told to just make her comfortable that she was passing. So I held her for awhile and would put her back in her cage so Yazy could spend time with her to. I was still hand feeding and giving Yazy fluids and at 4am Monday morning Yazy stopped taking the critical care and fluids. I thought maybe it was because she was sad because Binx was dying because she was always cuddling her. But I rushed her and Binx to the vet Monday morning in an attempt to save Yazy and to have Binx put down….. Binx actually passed on the way there with Yazy cuddling her in the carrier….
Yazy was immediately placed in an oxygen cage because by the time we got there she was showing signs of respiratory issues. They done blood work and x-rays a few hours later because they wanted to give her fluids and an antibiotic first to try and get her a little stronger. I sat out in the parking lot of the vet’s office all day. Then around 3pm they called to let me know to come in so they could give me the results of the x-ray and blood work. The blood work showed that her calcium was low but that was it. The x-rays on the other hand were very confusing to the vet. She said she had never seen anything like it with a chinchilla. There was something wrong with one of her lungs, something wrong with her intestinal tract, and something that appeared to be a mass in her abdomen. They are consulting with another vet about the x-rays to see if they know what all of that was. They did send me the x-rays but 3 of them are not clear at all but I have attached the one that was clear that has something wrong with her lung. They are waiting for the other vet that works there to get back and see if she can fix the setting on the scanner and then resend them.

I just don’t understand what happened and I will probably never have any closer on what happened. When they called me Monday night to tell me Yazy passed it was more than I could handle and hysterical since I had just lost Binx that morning and was not thinking clearly and she asked me about their remains and I told her I wanted them cremated and forgot about the necropsy and by the time I called them Tuesday morning they had already sent them out to be cremated. But they did say that it really needed to be done within 24hrs of the passing and they pushed back a couple surgeries and rescheduled some appointments to help Yazy and they didn’t think they could get to it in enough time with the other vet being out of town and the one there taking all that vet appointments too.
I can’t sleep and have been unable to eat since this all started Saturday. I miss them so much and I have this feeling that I should have done more. Whenever I close my eyes I see their little angelic faces…. I am now so worried about Wakka and Tink even though they don’t seem sick I’m just scared something is going to happen because they don’t know what caused all the things that were wrong with Yazy. I just want my babies back happy and healthy…….
I wanted to add that this all started with Coccidia......That they were being treated for.
I will always remember the silly things they did and how much joy and love they brought to my life and I miss all the little games we played and what excellent treat beggers they were and how Yazy kacked at everyone in the house but me I would always get kisses and sometimes they were rough kisses as she would bite my lip but I didn’t mind and how Binx would snub me if I didn’t give her extra treats and stand up and kack at me if I took something away that she didn’t really need to have like my pen or pencil she always run off with when I was doing homework which seem to be a distraction so Yazy could eat my homework…..
Rest in peace Binx and Yazy Mommy loves you and misses you very much I will always remember you both and you have touched my heart and soul and will forever be in my heart…… My heart is broken into a million pieces right now and I know in time it will heal but it will never heal completely….

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