X1 just born (pics)

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Yay! White ebony female 57g She's a Friday the 13th baby, born earlier today so please excuse the staining.


That's quite the color pattern so far. What a cutey. Can't wait to see how she looks as she gets older! Congratulations!
Aww, what a sweet baby! keep us updated as to how she looks as she grows. I'd be interrested to see how she changes.
congrats cory, i know how long you've been waiting. cant wait to come up and see her!!!!!!!
That is so AWSOME! Congratulations Cory! I know you've been waiting FOREVER for babies! BTW, how are the girls settling in?
hey cory, congratulations. she is totally dolling!!! she will be the perfect age for next years national's/york!!!
Thanks everyone, I couldn't have been happier to find her yesterday. This was mom's first litter so I'm glad she had a single and they've both settled in just fine. The little one is already running around and up a gram from yesterday. I updated the pics with new ones from today now that mom has her all cleaned off and fluffy. She has such a solid line where her grey meets the white, and the white is very crisp and clean. She also has a little white dot on her forehead. I have my fingers crossed she will keep at least some of the markings, but either way she is a cutie.

she will be the perfect age for next years national's/york!!!
I definitely plan on keeping her back to show next year and see how she does and will keep everyone updated on her coloring. Shelli, this girl's mom is the full sister to your TOV white from Mandie.