Wow...just wow.

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I finally got Sonic a new cage last night, his old one was too small. I put him in a huge igloo on one side, and his food and water in different corners on the other side. I woke up last night to major rustling in his cage, but I fell back asleep. And when I went to check on him this morning....

His food dish was on top of the igloo (this is the biggest size of igloo, btw) his water was in the middle of the cage and his tube was inside his igloo. HOW DOES HE DO THIS???? :p

Thought I'd share!
Who knows.. LOL. There have been times my chins have teared their cage apart too. I guess they get bored and wanna make a mess for us :p
What a busy little guy! LOL I wish mine would do quirky things like that :)

You do? Haha, I don't think so! When I went in this morning I found him with his head underneath the bedding and his butt in the air. LOL! I was cracking up! His feet were up in the air and flying!

I'll be sure to get pictures!
I love hearing about other's hedgehogs who rearrange their cages :) I find it adorable and hilarious! I've been waiting for mine to do that, but none of the hedgies I have ever had move their stuff around :(
Hannah is a liner diver, but thats it! Harrold is just either sleeping, eating, pooping or wheeling - he doesn't have time to rearrange...haha
Can't wait to see pics ;)
Silly hedgie! Sometimes I wonder about them. :)

My Theodore had one of those soft igloos and he would climb the bars of his cage and drop on his back into the top of the igloo over and over and over. It was hilarious!

Thaddeus just likes to take all of his accessories into this igloo with him at the same time. I can't imagine how it would be comfy in someplace so crowded! =D