designer chins
Well-known member
Join us in Barneveld, Wisconsin for the first Wisconsin ECBC Field Day!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
*Building opens at 6:00 AMSaturday, April 28, 2012
*New Exhibitors Help Session/Meet with the Judge 9:00 AM
*Judging begins at 10:00 AM with the Fall Prospects class
Judge: Gene Adcock
Show Chairs: Brenda Walter & Wendy Torgerson
Entry fee: $4 per animal (regular show & Fall Prospects class)
Lunch: on the grounds, $5 per person
Lodging: Karakahl Country Inn (608)437-5545; Village Inn Motel (608)437-3350; Deer Valley Lodge (888)924-1601 or (608)924-1600
Special events:
Raffle!! Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. Drawings throughout the day! First time exhibitors get 5 FREE raffle tickets!
Supreme Grand Show Champion selected from the standard and mutation Grand Show Champions
Fall Prospects Class for 4 to 6 month old animals: $4 entry fee, judged at 10:00 AM prior to the standard show. Fall prospects may not be double entered in the standard or mutation show. Excellent opportunity to get feedback on your youngsters, insights on selecting future breeding animals, what to look for in youngsters!
Optional Claim Show
We hope you can join us!! Raffle item donations happily accepted! Several donations have already been graciously made & will be posted soon.:thumbsup: