Will she be okay?

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Ok i have a quick question, we will be going out of town for about a week, i have a neighbor that can make sure she has fresh food and water and brush up poop on shelves, will whiskers be okay for a whole week without playtime(i know i will get the stink eye) but i dont trust anyone enough to take her out with out scaring her
Your chinnie will be okay for a week with no playtime. Just make sure your chinnie caregiver knows what to look for to identify a sick chin and that she can get the chinnie to a vet if needed.
Also please tell your neighbor to "triple" check that the cage is locked after she refills the bowls with food and hay. My mom was in charge of my chins while we were on vacation and got distracted and forgot to lock the cage and 1 of my chins escaped and had free roam of my house for over 16 hours. Luckily she found him the next day and he was safe and ok.
Also make sure they now how to work the a/c, the vets number etc. and I would put up 2 water bottles just in case. I second the triple checking the doors on the cage as well.
She will be absolutely fine without playtime. They don't really NEED playtime, it's just a nice thing to let them have. I agree with Chantel on 2 water bottles because you can never be too sure! I hope you have a nice vacation with your family!