WI MCBA Regional Show

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Isn't that what Brent is for? Put him to work!!

I combed everyone Monday. Good thing, because being back at school Tuesday sucked the energy right out of me and the rest of the week I was just in survival mode! Thank goodness for three day weekends!!!:dance3:
Oh heck no! Brent is not allowed to touch the animals in the show line. He pulled fur on one once and he hasn't been allowed near them since...
Got 21 combed out the last two nights. Not that many are old enough to show this time around, but they got the comb anyway. I was on a roll.... Only about 20 more to go through... Whew!
Thank God for three day weekends here also as I may get a chance to see what chins look like again. The Niles job is not paving right now but they still have me working out of town so far. Also I need to see if we have any show worthy.
Huh - I haven't seen a three day weekend in years... Hope you guys enjoy it! Have some fun - or relax - for me, too please!
Yay Becky! I might wear purple nails too just in your honor!!

I have purple polish, too!

And Brenda, if it's any consolation. I have to work Sunday night and Monday night, too. I've worked Christmas, New Years Day, Thanksgiving, etc. Just one of the downsides of working at a hospital. We can't ALL have the holidays off. So we make up for it by having pot luck dinners.
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And Brenda, if it's any consolation. I have to work Sunday night and Monday night, too. I've worked Christmas, New Years Day, Thanksgiving, etc. Just one of the downsides of working at a hospital. We can't ALL have the holidays off. So we make up for it by having pot luck dinners.

Thanks, Carol! Glad to hear I'm not alone!
I work all weekend - at both jobs.. sigh... Suppose I'll have to hire someone at the store so we can have a potluck! LMAO!!! :D
I'm off on Sunday and Monday and Sunday I'm getting my new baby Lisa chin! So YAY! Sorry to anyone having to work, but I can't wait to see all the hard efforts paid off at the show! I'm not even a breeder and it's the most exciting part of my year!!!!
I will have to see how my show babies are looking when it gets closer, I had some water issues here for the last 2 weeks and now have to wait and see if I can get everyone back on the right path before the show. After all the water discussions I thought I was safe, but regardless of filters and such well water is just not safe. You never know what people up the hill (or husbands) might be putting in their gardens and lawns. The whole house here is on bottles until, well until we move.
Thank God for three day weekends here also as I may get a chance to see what chins look like again. The Niles job is not paving right now but they still have me working out of town so far. Also I need to see if we have any show worthy.

Any show worthy? Now you are just messing with us! I'm guessing with 1000 chins you have 20 "show worthy" in every color! I, on the other hand, have ONE I am happy with. The other is not in prime, the third is young and unfinished and has too white a belly (I do not appreciate an in-between white belly on an eb carrier. either dirty it up, or glow white!! Darn female...) Everything else is a baby. <sigh>
Last year I brought one that I decided on that morning just so we would have another chinnie at the show...she got color champion female of the beige class. It never hurts to just bring one along LOL. Up until that day I was thinking of selling Honey.
I really am still waiting to see the "kiss of death" red chin! If anyone has one please bring it. And I mean red, guinea pig red. I really want a chin to be that color SO bad!
Carol, Sandi and I are staying over both Friday and Saturday? Anyone else doing the same? It sure would be great to get together before and after the show and have some spirits and fun!
It is till a little in the air for me and Marshall but staying over is the plan for Friday and saturday
I'll be around both nights. lol Not sure I'll be up to much Friday night, though. Sometimes it's gets kinda late at the hall and I need my beauty sleep to help me make it through Saturday...
I am looking forward to the show! I may not be bringing all I originally planned but I have a tan female looking fantastic and some cute babies for the Dirby Esme my white sapphire is the cutest baby on Earth.
While I will 2nd Kristy's thoughts on her tan female--I've seen her and she is fantastic, I have to disagree about the cutest baby ever--because it's baby Lisa chin! And I will be putting her in the derby!
I'll be heading down EARLY Saturday morning (trying to save money for the Colorado ECBC meeting in November...), but if there is a group going out for dinner after the show let me know! I'll warn the dog sitters (Grandma & Grandpa) that I won't be home until LATE Saturday night!!:thumbsup:
Yes I'm all about dinner after the show! Especially since the 3 of us don't really know where the hotspots in Barneveld are???!