Why does he freak out during the day?

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Mar 16, 2010
Upstate New York
Lately ive been attempting to take my chinny out twice a day instead of once but now he is being really weird with me...
He freaks out when i hold him he doesn't wanna take treats from me
But later into the night he comes right out to me he lets me hold him i can even pet him if im lucky
I know there supposed to sleep all day but my chin doesnt really sleep during the day too much he sleeps from around 4 am till like noon or 4 am
They get used to a schedule and expect when you're going to come take them out for playtime. He could be freaking out because he's not used to you coming to get him. Also, they usually like to relax during the day so i would just leave him for a little, continue your normal schedule with him so he knows he can depend on you.
I know that it's hard to be patient, but give the little guy some time to settle in and get used to his new life without having to worry about being grabbed for twice a day.

Even though they don't "look" like they're sleeping, since they can sleep with their eyes open, they are resting during the day. Until they really feel safe and secure with you, they look like they are staring out into space. How would you like someone to come in and poke you awake several times a night between midnight and 8 a.m.???

You'll know when he's comfortable with you -- he'll sleep all stretched out with his eyes closed.
Yep, I agree with Lynn, give him a little space and some more time. Don't force it, they just get more stressed and then it's like 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
Ok Ill do that and i know when he sleeping i only attempt to play with him if he just finished running on his wheel or is during a "Cage run"
Ill leave him be during the day and just keep doing my nighttime plays