Well I have to say yes to Scott and Jorge but Lil Rounds--no. I liked Felicia much better. I'm pleased and upset with the wildcard selections. Ricky Braddy yes, Anoop yes, Tatiana--NO!
As for the whole Adam thing--here's the bottom line people. If you want to be famous someday, and it's clear Adam does, then you have to hold yourself at a higher standard than the rest of the world. Yes Bill Clinton this meant you. Yes Micheal Phelps this means you. You have to THINK! Is is wrong to be gay, no it's not wrong, will it hurt your chances with mainstream America, yes it will. This has been proving time and time again unless you're funny like Ellen or Rosie O'Donnell. Adam needed to think about the impact of his actions all over the internet. Look at poor David Hernandez from last year, he worked at a male strip club for men and got ousted well before his time. I mean come on David was a 1000 times better than Kristy Lee Cook.
So we'll have to see what happens, but honestly it wouldn't surprise me to see that Adam's off camera antics could hurt his chances--would it be a shame, yes, would it be surprising to me--no.