Thank you! I don't think he's used to the luxuries of all the different chew toys and stuff. He's never had options before. The breeder has quite a few so he doesn't give them the applewood and different varieties of hay and stuff. So when he first got here he had the hay block (which he carried around his cage as his "toy" for awhile), and the timothy and orchard grass which he was so happy with. He ate a little bit right away and I think as he settles he'll eat more. I think he thinks he's probably in heaven right now with all the new hay and chew toys and stuff.
Freddy and Jason both came from the same breeder and I know they were both like amazed almost at all the new things that I gave them here. It's cute to see them appreciate stuff that I know they have never had before (like the applesticks they lug around with them to make sure their safe from the imaginary chinchilla trying to steal it away from them).