White Deer

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Beautiful deer... great camouflage in the winter but not so much in the summer. I did have a quick laugh when the white deer was rearing up at the normal colored deer, and the normal deer was backing away and looking like it was thinking, "Uh oh... the SNOW DEER is alive! It's going to eat me! ESCAPE ESCAPE!"
Wow, these deer are incredible! I had never seen one before. I can't believe that even their antlers are white. They seem to be thriving, even with their lack of camouflage in the summer months. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, I've seen books on these guys when I went to school up in that area (Ashland, WI)
They're very neat!
Wow, I have never heard or seen those, they are amazingly beautiful.
Thanks, as I didn't know they were there! Wonder what they'd do if some of those white squirrels found their way up there? I'd like to film that reaction!
I saw one that had made its home out in the fields and woods about 20 minutes from where I used to live in central WI. It was about 10 years ago, but it was gorgeous and I'll never forget it!
They are beautiful. I actually heard of a a bunch of them in NY on a closed military base. When the base was open a general saw a pair of white fawns and was so enchanted he forbade the killing of any white deer on the base, so they have flourished there.
great link, just mesmerizing.

Occasionally I hear of one here in MO. There are also what they call piebald deer, white and brown mixed. Or as we chinnie people say, its a mosaic! LOL
I actually saw one in NJ many years ago It was a doe and then I saw, the same year, a brown and white one. Haven't seen any since. I live in a area where deer sleep in my back yard. I saw both these deer in the mountain area where I live - part of the Sourland Mt. range (in the 'Zion' area)