Which Breeders?

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I talked to Ralph this afternoon and the sale of his animals has been done. They are on their way to Mexico by way of CA. He also sent several semi loads of cages directly to Mexico. As was mentioned earlier they still plan on being active in the industry.

Thanks for the update, Randy!! A lot happened in a week. Semi loads: that's A LOT of cages!
I was at the Bowen ranch last Thursday and Ralph's chins were already there. So they have definitely already moved as JAGS said.
So the Shoots' herd is going to Mexico then? Who purchased them, Hector? He's the only name I can think of down that way...but again, I'm out of the loop :)
I was given the name...but I forgot it and I'd just be guessing now. I just know that they will be 30 miles south of the boarder below Tuscon, AZ.
I think this is the place they are going to Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. He is the Mayor
this is his name 2009-2012 Vicente Terán Uribe. I saw pictures of the place and Gary & Margot will have it made as well as the chins.
Random question but how much does it cost to have chins flown out of LAX into Mexico? I know how much it for jet pets flying horses along with quarantine and all the other things that go along with it. It is not a pretty figure. Just wondering how chinchillas compare.
As the newer person on the block so to speak..........this is really a big change. I'm quite sad but at the same time I know Ralph and Barbara will enjoy a much needed retirement. As well as those on the west coast I have not met.
Craners are still very active in Idaho, they've been around a long time and have a good sized herd.

Ronda is downsizing, may or may not sell out, we'll see what the new year brings. She's in Oregon.

Linda Clark (Seattle) still has her original herd but has not been pairing the chins. Last I talked to her she had very few babies being born.

For CAD Bruce Kenworth and Jack Humphries sold out.

For the south it's far and few between. I know I'm the only publicly visible breeder left in Louisiana. There is one pelt herd here but I have not met him yet, only heard of him.