Where to buy cardboard tubes or large PVC pipes

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
New Jersey
My male chin chewed his cardboard tube to the point that he can't lay in it anymore. I would really prefer to buy him a PVC pipe to use instead but I can't seem to find one at a home depot/lowes. Any one have any recommendations on where to buy one or a large enough cardboard tube? I already have the fleece to cover it with.
I got some cardboard tubes from a carpet place. I had to look around to find one that doesn't have ink or sprays on it. Mostly I use old coffee cans now. After cutting open both ends and smoothing them down I run 2 screws through it to hold it in place. They work well and can't kill them.
There are several members who sell them here. One should be along shortly. 6" + width can be tough to find in stores and they usually come in around 6-10 feet...

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I have some that are 6 inches in diameter and 10 inches long.

The Home Depot near me doesn't carry it, but I can get it at Lowe's. It's usually near the irrigation/plumbing supplies and comes in a 10 or 12 foot piece.
If you don't want to buy an entire 10-12 foot pipe I can sell you a 10 inch pvc tube. send me a pm if you're interested.