Where did the teeth go?

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Apr 11, 2011
I just noticed today that Pip's teeth are shorter than they use to be and i don't know what to think! I am very worried.

Basically, when I first had Pip, he has these vampire-like incisors and when i rubbed his chin, i could feel them too because they stuck out. Then today, when I picked up Pip, I noticed that I can't feel his teeth anymore. I took a look and I noticed that one is shorted, like it was sawed off, and the other I can't even feel. (He was good enough to let me rub his mouth.)

Will his teeth grow back? I think he's still eating normally....
Hedgehog teeth do not grow back, once they are broken or worn down they will not be normal again.

If this was a sudden change, I would guess he broke them. I had one break one of those incisors on her water bottle (back when I was a new owner). She did fine with her broken tooth.

Watch to ensure that Pip is continuing to eat normally. Watch when he eats kibble. If you notice him cringe, or struggling to break kibble, take him in to the veterinarian to have his teeth examined.
unfortunately, I can't watch him eat. Pip's really reclusive and passive. He never eats (other than meal worms) in front of me. He's not active (like curious and exploring) when he's outside and "playing". He just always wants a place to hide and burrow. If there's no where to hide, he'll just sit and stare and be still. He doesn't care for toilet tubes or anything new I try to feed him.
Physically, he's very healthy. He eats and drinks and runs in his wheel (all at night when I'm sleeping).

Anyway, he's still eating, it seems, but I guess the only way I can really see is based on how much he eats every night.
I have one like that too. She's extremely skittish when exposed or the lights are on. It makes basic health monitoring difficult sometimes. How does he react to red light? Mine at least isn't as afraid acting when I use a red light.

Watch how much he eats at night. And watch his weight. If his eating habits change or his weight starts to drop, you may want to take him in to have his teeth examined.