Do you think the environment makes a difference? I can imagine with rehoming an adult pet chin, you'd have an idea what you were getting, or for breeders buying in an older animal from another herd to add to theirs. I'm finding Anna Maria to be quite the challenge, though, she's five and has gone from a breeding herd to a pet environment. Her breeder described her as calm, which she was for a week, but then, she was heavily pregnant as it turned out. I would describe her as my diva chin! She throws a strop whenever she doesn't get her own way, she just bit me yet again because she wanted to come out. She also doesn't seem to figure out unfamiliar things very easily, toys, we went through several water bottles before finding one she really got the hang of, her spatial awareness sometimes seems a bit off (she'll hover behind something rather than going round). I don't think she trusts me very much yet, either - oddly she'll come forward happily and confidently to sniff noses with my male chin through the bars despite that he doesn't seem to like her very much, she's more used to other chinchillas, perhaps. Babies are a pain but I've still found them far easier in comparison. In her case, I'm not sure it was that easy to get a clear idea of what her temperament would be like as a pet, because she's not used to that kind of environment.