Any reputable breeder is going to take the animal back if it's not a "correct fit" and chins aren't like cats and dogs.
I'm just going to throw this out there, but no, they won't. SOME breeders will take animals back if it doesn't work out, many won't.
Slunder, I just want to say this because I would prefer you stick around and keep learning about breeding, etc. rather than leave in a huff if people keep commenting on your intentions: What relatives and friends say today compared to what they say later are two very different things. What looks cute and fuzzy at YOUR house, isn't going to be so much fun when they are the ones cleaning up after him/her, picking up shavings, poop, feed, hay, dust all over the house after bath time, vet trips, escapes with chewed cords, wood, etc. That all looks easy peasy at YOUR house, but when it's at their house? People quickly change their minds. They also can't seem to grasp that chins can live 25 years. I think people tend to think of chins as hamsters. A couple years and then gone.
So don't
rely on friends and family taking the offspring of your breeding efforts. It rarely works out that way. Then you need to think to yourself, what am I going to do with them? Do you want to keep breeding chins and having to provide more cages, more food, more vet care?
Just something to think about.