When to draw the line in kit behaviour?

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Try putting a drop on his lips and rubbing his belly with your finger in circular motions, sometimes this will stimulate them to suckle. Do NOT force feed chinchilla kits. You are more than likely not getting the food into the stomach but are very likely to get milk in their lungs and cause pneumonia and/or aspiration. If he won't take it in, he won't take it in...you can't force chinchilla babies to eat.
Eh, by force feeding I meant wrapping him burrito style in fleece so he couldn't push at the syringe. I didn't mean I shoved the syringe down his throat until he did something. Bad choice of words. I wouldn't do that.

For some reason he lets my mom feed him with no problem. He opens his mouth for her to put drops on his bottom lip and he licks away. They take in about 1ml every four hours, while having the rotations with LM. I have been rubbing their belly after they eat, and if they wont eat. They're just so tiny I'm afraid I'm going to hurt something.
I have had kits be stubborn like that and one who would only eat for me. All you can do is keep trying. Hopefully, he starts eating for you or mom's milk will come in. I might be in your shoes, too, if my girl, Sally, doesn't get her milk in soon.
I think Momma's milk has come in.. finally! That, or it's only in one nipple.. the kits seem to be going to the same nipple. Any-who, he comes out with crust on his nose, a good-feeling belly, and I just weighed him - he's gained 2 grams today.
I've been giving him a little more time with Momma now that I believe he's being fed well by her. Female still gets rotated in, and supplemented a tad more. She's doing good as well. At about 44g.

I'm working hard with these guys. My horoscope yesterday was: 'Just like the little engine that could, you need to keep chugging and plugging now.' SO -- choo choo!!

I'll keep Sally in my thoughts - I really hope she pulls through for you!
Best wishes. :)
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