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I need a new wheel and don't know where to start! I have a comfort wheel now-which is incredibly noisy and now has devolped an eerie squeak whenever it spins! What are some good wheels for a relatively small cage? This cage is very similar to the one I have now:
So that would mean I wouldn't be able to get cakewalk wheel :tantrum: , or the bucket wheel which I believe would be too big for the cage. Is the silent spinner good? Should I just try to buy another comfort wheel in hopes that it won't go amuck again? Thank-you so much for any help!
That cage says its 18" which should be quite adequate for a bucket wheel. Cake walks are only 16" high. Plenty of clearance space.

I have a cage similar to the one you posted (came with a rescue) and my bucket wheels fit with plenty of clearance.
i'd go with the silent spinner 12". i use one, and it actually is somewhat silent. but, when it does get a little creeky, just spray a little nonstick stuff in the joint thingy. works great for me. :)
Silent Spinners are dangerous. The split and drainage holes down the center catch little nails and toes. The wheel it's self is a poor design as the wheel extends out past the base. When a hedgehog is entering and exiting it can tip the wheel over and has been the cause of one death that we know of when the wheel fell on the hedgehog. The nut at the back as well as in the center comes undone with wheeling causing the wheel to fall.

As far as commercial made wheels go, the Comfort wheel is the best option.
I advise against the Silent Spinner, I have one and I don't like it at all, because of the base and the fact it's hard to clean. I'm saving up to buy something better
Would a bucket wheel work if there was a few inches of stuffing too?
I use a comfort wheel..its I think five or six years old now and I havent had any problems with it yet.
I have the same cage for Annabelle. (Size medium, not sure what size yours is - I really like it and am thinking of upgrading to the large eventually.) I have a flying saucer and like it all right. It fits fine, and my hedgie enjoys tunneling beneath it.