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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
The boys I just got came with 2 wheels, one was made from a feed pan and it is huge the other is a wheel similar to the picture attached. At first I didnt put it in their cage but the other night I decided to try and the pair LOVE this wheel. They are on it ALL the time. But I don't know how safe it is. Their paws probably can't get caught but the mechanics of it are kinda.....iffy?
Does anyone else use this wheel?


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Not only can bones be broken, but it is way too small and can cause chins to run in an awkward position, putting strain on their backs.
What size of wheel should someone get then? And I see a ton of people who have those pan metal wheels, not the flying saucers. Are those ok?
are there any wheels out there that are somewhat cost effective??? I need to purchase 3 or 4 of them. I am no so much concerned with the noise aspect as much as the cost.
also the one wheel was made from a feed pan and is very sturdy & big, has anyone come across instructions on how to make one? my fiance' is pretty handy.
sure, it is attached to the cage, when i get home i will take some pix. from what i understand the person i got the chins from got the wheel from someone here???
What size of wheel should someone get then? And I see a ton of people who have those pan metal wheels, not the flying saucers. Are those ok?

15" in the general recommended size.

I believe someone posted instructions on how to make the homemade wheel on here..you might find it if you do a search. In my experience, my chins don't like those wheels much because the bearing seems to make the wheel hard to turn. The homemade wheel that I bought a long time ago was never used because my chin could barely get it to spin.
What about the plastic ones that they sell at the petstore. My chins don't eat the plastic they may chew it a few times, but they lose intrest once they realize that it's not wood or food. LOL!
What about the plastic ones that they sell at the petstore. My chins don't eat the plastic they may chew it a few times, but they lose intrest once they realize that it's not wood or food. LOL!

I believe they're too small and they break easily. They also aren't very sturdy. Chins really get going on their wheels so you need to have something very sturdy to support their running. The plastic ones just won't cut it. The amount of money for a ChinSpin or a Flying Saucer is worth it for the quality and safety.
Here are the pix of the wheel. it is pretty quiet.


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are there any wheels out there that are somewhat cost effective??? I need to purchase 3 or 4 of them. I am no so much concerned with the noise aspect as much as the cost.
also the one wheel was made from a feed pan and is very sturdy & big, has anyone come across instructions on how to make one? my fiance' is pretty handy.

Michelle, I had saved this link that I found on this forum awhile ago, I think this may be what you are looking for..


What about the plastic ones that they sell at the petstore. My chins don't eat the plastic they may chew it a few times, but they lose intrest once they realize that it's not wood or food. LOL!

Before I found this forum, several years ago with my first chin I bought 4 extra large silent spinners in 1 year! Total cost with tax roughly a little over $100. First, they are too small for chins to run on (11.70 inches) and the bearing in the middle that has a plastic yellow cover on it comes loose all the time and once it completely came undone and the wheel landed on my chin and he was stuck underneath it. :( I was very lucky he didn't get hurt. You can find both the flying saucer and the 15" chin spin at qualitycage.com, here is the link. -

thanks jill. i went to my local feed store thinking they would have the feed pans for Rob to make it himself but they didnt.
someone did direct me to a site with really good instructions on how to make a wheel similar to the chin spin. since he is a sheet metal worker he should have the tools & material.
i feel so bad because snickers & oreo (soot) LOVE that green wheel but it has fallen off the cage twice and i am just afraid they are going to get hurt. i am going to zip tie it to the cage until the weekend when hopefully he will make at least one wheel! i would take it out but they are still a little apprehensive about coming out, so i want them to get some exercise.
I did finally get Jack out last night and he was a sweetie............he must use his wheel at night when I am sleeping because I dont see him use it. at least he is finally coming out of the house more!
Michelle....they DO love that stinking wheel - Snickers ALWAYS has....and Soot just followed along. Jack DOES use the wheel at night - and sometimes during the day - I've caught him in the act - and MAN does he really run. I'm glad he's out of the house and I miss all of the boys so very much!
don't waste you're money on the plastic wheels from the petstores. My first chin destroyed each one I tried within days. They're a joke. Even this wheel:
Before I found this forum, several years ago with my first chin I bought 4 extra large silent spinners in 1 year! Total cost with tax roughly a little over $100. First, they are too small for chins to run on (11.70 inches) and the bearing in the middle that has a plastic yellow cover on it comes loose all the time and once it completely came undone and the wheel landed on my chin and he was stuck underneath it.
We tie wrapped it sideways and glued the yellow cap on. He tried to get at the ties-which he did once and chewed'em off-and the cap kept it together, but he stripped one of the back wheels and broke it off track.

The moral of the story is running on wheels is serious business, you need a good wheel. We have a chinspin. And it's holding it's own with our 2 chins..
The plastic ones from some pet stores are safer in the sense that there is nothing for their feet to get caught in, but like someone else mentioned they aren't very sturdy. We had a chin run the wheel off of its bearing (literally). Luckily everything was fine, however the momentum of the loose wheel could have potentially hurt the animal. Needless to say we bought a nice metal wheel shortly after that, and everyone is healthy, happy, and safe!