What types of bedding have you tried?

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I use fleece on the 2 shelves on my chin's FN and Pine River bedding in their pee pan. A huge bag, 100% natural, very fine and absorbent. I called the company and they directed me to the nearest Farmers CoOp that carried it. $5 -$6 .
I have just started using SunCoast kiln dried pine dust free.... you have very small, med and large.

Oh, when they say dust free, they mean dust free. for me it is more expensive to a certain extent, but the quality exceeds the price as far as I am concerned.
I've used a little bit of everything, I just finished off a bag of pine pellets, they were terrible. That and I'm allergic to pine. If I use wood shavings I like aspen best, it is low odor and doesnt make my eyes itchy. My fav bedding is carefresh, I used to use it all the time when I had one potty trained chin, but it is too expensive to coat a cage with. I'm fed up with all the wood types I have been trying and fleece was too smelly so I bought some more carefresh, the boys better learn to pee in a dish or they'll have lots of spots in their cage. =P
I've tried Kd pine and that carefresh stuff. They just kicked it out. So now it's kist lined with a pee pad type material. It's working so far :)
I'm using care fresh and my chin seems to enjoy it. She doesn't try to eat it(not that I know of). She does tend to stay on the ledges more.
fleece-thats what came with his set up, but i really wish i had more than two. I wash Yuki's stuff separate, so at max i have a cuddle buddy, liner and hammock in at once. not a full load. I'd be nice to at least have three to rotate.
I have only ever used pine. Was $4.95 a bag, but now it's about $6.95 a bag. We go through a bag a week. I have a CN cage that I'd like to try fleece with though as putting shavings in that is a bit a pain in the butt. I may just make pine guards and still use shavings in that as well.