Woo hoo! Job interviews!
The tall thing could be a Black Eyed Susan, but as for whether it's cultivated in that bed or not, I couldn't tell you. It's cultivated up here, but the cold kills it off if it volunteers outside of a bed. It's often a "weed" in southern climates because it spreads fast. I'd pull it out unless you want to set up a 'wild flower' area somewhere in the yard.
The yellowy-green thing looks like an ornamental/intentional planting, can't think of the name off the top of my head, but I just saw some at a local garden center w/ my MiL last weekend. I'd hang onto it, esp. if you keep the purple stuff (also ornamental). A lot of garden designers like to put that in with dark plants for contrast/variety.
The little red thing might be a moss rose. They're not so common up here but do well in warm climates. Chipmunks, gophers, deer, etc. like to eat them. Shouldn't do any real harm unless they get so thick they choke something else out.
The purple flower stuff might be an intentional ground cover, but it's not something I'm familiar with from the northern part of the country. The spiky things, though, could be a summer blooming lily of some kind, or even Yucca. It's hard to tell w/out buds, blooms or seed pods. I'd wait and see what happens with it through the summer.
Last thing? No clue. At first I thought it was poison ivy, then it kind of looked like a hemp/marijuana plant until I opened the attachment. I'd ask a garden center about it too.
Hope something helps, and good luck with the job!!!!
OOps, there's more!
That does look like a gourd/squash vine. Maybe you're lucky and have loofah growing in your yard, you're in a good zone for it.
Grass stuff: No clue, but the flower is pretty, so I'd hang on to it. Of course, my idea of flower gardening is planting bulbs around a flowering bush and then letting the wild flowers move in/pulling the poison ivy, so I might not be the best at this.