What type of flowering plant is this?

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Kung Fu Chinny!
Jan 30, 2009
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
Obviously I live in southern Louisiana, so it's large, tropical... and has overgrown where I want to park.

Was going to cut it down but the neighbors acted strange about it, wanting cuttings and saying "well I think it's a...". Figured I'd leave it to see what it did...

Here's the pictures.

So what is it? I suspect soon it will be covered in flowers and bees. It's very large, in the winter it looks like a large vine maple tree, probably 10ft tall. Right now it's closer to 15ft.


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I also think it's a hibiscus. Tropical hibiscus can get 15 feet or more.
i'm in New Jersey and we call them Roses of Sharon. They line one whole side of my yard on a flimsy wire fence. I hope to cut them down one day and put up a nice fence!
and yes they attract many bees. and i dont like bees!
We call them Rose of Sharon here too. It might not just eat up your car but your house too! LOL I've seen some really tall specimens.
Rose of Sharon are a type of Hibiscus, but not all Hibiscus plants are considered Roses of Sharon. In LA, you could have specifically Rose of Sharon, or any number of other types of Hibiscus. I'm not the person to tell just from that what it is specifically, but take a trimming to a local garden center and they could probably give you a good idea, as well as some control ideas that wouldn't require taking the whole thing down. As far as ornamental shrubs go, they're pretty popular and depending on the type, pretty expensive. It seems a little odd that the previous owners would have just planted 1 in the middle of the lot like that. They're often used as hedge rows with 2-5 planted together in a line, like lilac bushes. And yes, you will get bees, and in my area at least, Japanese Beetles. :( But if you have plant eating/omnivorous pets like tortises/turtles, hamsters or mice, they'll enjoy the blooms as a treat.

That said, in winter you can prune it pretty hard and it'll come back. Another option would be to tie/train the outer stems closer to the main one and curb some of the spread that's getting in the way.

It looks like at some point they took it down to the ground with a chainsaw, and it sprung back.

I know this house has been here about 25 years, so it was probably put in by the original owners as a pretty plant. I see they start out pretty small. There's unusual flowers/plants randomly scattered throughout the lawn. I'm getting a lot of strange things that I'd love to have identified. Off to get some pictures...
More plants. I'd really like to clean the front of the house up and prune. Gotta know what it is to do that and I don't want to kill anything.

Pic 1: Front area of the house. Messy.

Pic 2: Is that tall thing with the sunflower head a weed? This was their main flowerbed I think, it has so many different things coming and going. I wanted to put a garden here, moved all the flowers, now look how many more have showed up... I just can't bring myself to till them under.

Pic 3: These just popped up last week, what are they?

Pic 4: Little red guys are everywhere, in the lawn, under trees...
lmao, WHOO! got a job interview call right in the middle of editing to post the pics..

If someone had given a more gracious editing period I might have been able to attach them... :p


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Ok, on to the front skinny bed;

Pic 1. Messy I know. I know the tall green things in the back are yellow irises and obviously there is a random rose bush on the left.

Pic 2. #1 scraggly bush flower, I hate the look of this bush, and it only has a handful of these flowers. What is it?

Pic 3. #2 Purple plant, what am I, will I get flowers?

Pic 4. Purple leafy thing, there was nothing there when I got the house in Jan. I've seen these things, they get HUGE. What is it?


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Ok, on to the grass eaters. These have really taken over my lawn, which is fine, I don't have to mow that part.

Pic 1. Zoomed out picture.

Pic 2: Flower.

Pic 3: Are these Irises? They haven't bloomed yet.

Pic 4: They dug up all of whatever these were in the front, but this one root sprouted.

Pic 5: Top of root above, what is it?


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Last we have what looks like a vegetable growing... in my driveway. Because things like to grow where I take my car. Must be the magic tires.. :rolleyes:

Pic 1. With flower
Pic 2. With leaves, has a fuzzy stem, looks like a squash plant of some sort.

Pic 3. the grass stuff in the garden bed.
Pic 4. Flower from grass stuff.

Thanks! I'm obviously new to a tropical climate... the fact that my corn is now way above my knees is wigging me out. :D


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Woo hoo! Job interviews!

The tall thing could be a Black Eyed Susan, but as for whether it's cultivated in that bed or not, I couldn't tell you. It's cultivated up here, but the cold kills it off if it volunteers outside of a bed. It's often a "weed" in southern climates because it spreads fast. I'd pull it out unless you want to set up a 'wild flower' area somewhere in the yard.

The yellowy-green thing looks like an ornamental/intentional planting, can't think of the name off the top of my head, but I just saw some at a local garden center w/ my MiL last weekend. I'd hang onto it, esp. if you keep the purple stuff (also ornamental). A lot of garden designers like to put that in with dark plants for contrast/variety.

The little red thing might be a moss rose. They're not so common up here but do well in warm climates. Chipmunks, gophers, deer, etc. like to eat them. Shouldn't do any real harm unless they get so thick they choke something else out.

The purple flower stuff might be an intentional ground cover, but it's not something I'm familiar with from the northern part of the country. The spiky things, though, could be a summer blooming lily of some kind, or even Yucca. It's hard to tell w/out buds, blooms or seed pods. I'd wait and see what happens with it through the summer.

Last thing? No clue. At first I thought it was poison ivy, then it kind of looked like a hemp/marijuana plant until I opened the attachment. I'd ask a garden center about it too.

Hope something helps, and good luck with the job!!!!

OOps, there's more!

That does look like a gourd/squash vine. Maybe you're lucky and have loofah growing in your yard, you're in a good zone for it.

Grass stuff: No clue, but the flower is pretty, so I'd hang on to it. Of course, my idea of flower gardening is planting bulbs around a flowering bush and then letting the wild flowers move in/pulling the poison ivy, so I might not be the best at this. :)
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Pic 2: Is that tall thing with the sunflower head a weed? This was their main flowerbed I think, it has so many different things coming and going. I wanted to put a garden here, moved all the flowers, now look how many more have showed up... I just can't bring myself to till them under.
Looks like it could be a black eyed susan.

Pic 3: These just popped up last week, what are they?
No idea, I was going to guess hosta, but they are not in the shade.

Pic 4: Little red guys are everywhere, in the lawn, under trees...
The name escapes me right now, but they are a common bedding plant. You should be able to pick a flower and take it to a nursery. They'd know instantly. It also comes in white and pink.
Pic 2. #1 scraggly bush flower, I hate the look of this bush, and it only has a handful of these flowers. What is it?
No idea, but that's a nice macro shot with lovely bokeh.

Pic 3. #2 Purple plant, what am I, will I get flowers?
Looks like a flax, but could be some kind of decorative grass. In either case you're not going to get showy flowers from them. They are a foundation planting.

Pic 4. Purple leafy thing, there was nothing there when I got the house in Jan. I've seen these things, they get HUGE. What is it?
That's a canna lily. They grow from bulbs, so it's not surprising it appeared from nothing. I have some that my dogs keep trampling down each year and they pop right back up. Cannas come in a bunch of different colors.
Pic 1. Zoomed out picture.

Pic 2: Flower.
I've seen it before, but can't remember what it is.

Pic 3: Are these Irises? They haven't bloomed yet.
Could be irises.

Pic 4: They dug up all of whatever these were in the front, but this one root sprouted.

Pic 5: Top of root above, what is it?
No idea, but it's probably gonna be purty.