I've been feeding mine Oxbow Chinchilla Deluxe and the best deal I can find on it is $15 for a 10lb bag. Anyone have a better deal on it they want to tell me about?
I feed a mixture of 1/2 Mazuri and 1/2 PANR - I have never had a poblem with Mazuri - Decided to add the PANR to be 'cost effective' and I figure my chins will have the best of both worlds
I am currently feeding PANR and like how the chins are doing on it so far. I really liked the manna pro Sho that we used for a while, but it became impossible to get in my area.
When I first got in to chins I used Mazuri. I switched to Tradition and used it for quite a few years. Then we had some quality issues with the stuff milled here is WI so I switched to PenPals. All of my chins did quite well on PenPals at first and then I noticed that a bunch of them started getting soft poos. I did some research and found out that some breeders in the Central US were having issues with PenPals. I immediately switch to Manna Pro. All my chins seem to really like the Manna Pro and are doing very well on it.
Has anyone heard of Living World Classic?
Its the food i have right now. but I am wondering
if i should switch? its the same as my living world oat hay?
Living world chinchilla food is described as "a well balanced mix of the seeds, cereals and nuts chinchillas would forage for in the wild. While freely eating the delicious things your chinchilla loves, it gets everything it needs for a healthy and long life"
It shouldn't be fed as it contains nuts and seeds that chinchillas should not be eating. The feed should be just plain pellets, without any added junk.