The first time we bred them was 7 years ago, so I exagerated on yahoo answers, sue me please.
I've stayed out of this, mainly because I gave the only answer I could give based on the information you gave. But THIS more than just irritates me. "Exaggerated?" You mean you lied on Yahoo so people would give more weight to what you said, which 90% of the time was wrong, than to someone else who wouldn't have "exaggerated." I spend tons of time on Yahoo trying to give the right answers, giving correct and safe information, so do a lot of other people. Then someone like you comes along who is "exaggerating" and knows nothing about chins, is filling people full of dangerous information, and you might get someone following your advice over someone who gave correct advice because you lied?
Dawn is right. You can say that you're an experienced chin owner all you want, but the answers you gave on Yahoo absolutely deny that. You recommend giving peanuts and all other manner of crap to chinchillas, then compound the misinformation by stating "a lifetime of experience" or "breeder for 7 years."
I know of breaders with 7 years experience, and yes, God help me, but more so the chins. She advocates whacking off their teeth because they chew on a limb that should have been removed because the chin is "bored." She also loudly and proudly proclaims her breeding of rescues. I know of another breader who had chins for about that same time. She would scour the classifieds for every $25.00 chin she could find, then would breed them mutation on top of mutation on top of mutation, and turn around and sell puney, absolute crap animals for ridiculous amounts of money, some of which barely made it to the new happy owners, who ALSO were going to breed them, only to have them die because they were so ill cared for.
I've got 9 years of experience. I
don't know everything there is to know about chins, but when I don't know something, I shut up. I don't say "I've got 9 years of experience breading, even though I lied and I don't really, so because of that I am going to give you crappy advice and you should listen to me because I'm a breader."