What states don't allow chins?

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Jun 14, 2015
I want to move to Colorado in a year, but just realized my little buddy may not be able to go with me. Does anyone know the stateswhere owning a chinchillas is illegal?
Since they are classified as agricultural animals-the domestic ones, I think they are legal in all states. As per the USDA they are classified as a "agricultural animal raised for the purpose of fur production"..
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just a note - though they are legal in NJ you must have a permit ($10 a year) to own a chinchilla and another permit ($100) to sell them even if you are a hobby breeder
Chillers' are perfectly legal in Colorado. Personally I think the idea of a Chin' being llegal anywhere is absolutely absurd. As far as Colorado goes I recommend San Juan County, somewhere around the Durango area, it doesn't get any more beautiful in Colorado than that.
There are several breeders in Colorado. I, myself, am one and live in the Denver metro area. It's a wonderful place to live with lots to do. If you feel like it, contact me sometime so you have a fellow chin lover to talk to. By the way, the weather in Colorado is great for chinchillas. It is pretty easy to keep them cool, especially if you have a basement.
'did not know that when i lived in nj' - a lot of NJ people don't. The sad part is if the govt. finds out you don't have a permit they can take your chin(s). And you know what they would do with them !!!!