What should I add, change?

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Jul 5, 2009
Tribble's cage just seems so... empty. :(
I really need suggestions! Say what should be put in and where. And if you have an idea for a theme, tell me. She's a sweet yet crazy little girl who loves to groom people. :3

Top Level
1. Water Bottle
2. Haybox [see http://chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9524]
3. Litterbox (Catches dropped hay and drips from waterbottle, too)
4. House
5. Chinchiller (You can see Tribble on it.)
*'s are hanging toys

Bottom Level
1. Wheel [Chinspin ordered and being shipped]
2. House [Superpet one, metal studs taken out]
3. Food and Snack bowls
4. Chube
5. Litterbox
*'s are hanging toys

I was thinking maybe a corner hammock for the big space in the top right corner of the top level?
I think some fleece things would be good. From what I've found with my girls, they prefer the regular hammocks over the corner ones. But then some chins don't like hammocks either way. Or you could try a fleece tube. Otherwise it looks like a great setup once you get that wheel changed out!
I think you've done a good job so far. I'd put a fleece tube and/or hammock in the top level maybe. I'd be careful with that Silent Spinner wheel. I had one of those a long, long time ago and my Whiskers chewed the plastic that covered the bolt in the middle of the wheel, the part that you turn to tighten the wheel, also, he must have been flying on it one night because it had completey fallen off and landed on him. He wasn't hurt but he couldn't get out from under it. I threw it away after that.
Ok, your second set of pics are hysterical, LOL and thats where I would put the fleece tubes and hammocks as well. I like the bridge idea too. As far as a hay box, I dunno, but I think I've tried everything and for me the best place to put the hay was on a shelf because no matter where the haybox or hayholder was at they would pull it all out and make a huge mess.
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Ok, your second set of pics are hysterical, LOL and thats where I would put the fleece tubes and hammocks as well. I like the bridge idea too. As far as a hay box, I dunno, but I think I've tried everything and for me the best place to put the hay was on a shelf because no matter where the haybox or hayholder was at they would pull it all out and make a huge mess.

It's not that she makes a mess, the litterbox beneath the haybox contains any mess. It's just that she doesn't eat as much hay as she used to when it was just in the chube.
Oooo ok!

I have one suggestion that might get rid of the "empty space of doom" if it can be worked out. Alli sells these awesome corner fleece houses. You could get one of those to hang where the tube will go and maybe place the tube under it with an "entrance" to the top of the wooden house?
They're really not that big. Here's a pic of Stacie (Stackie's) hung in her FN, although it's not stretched out fully haha

Ash- Where did you get that box in the lower right hand corner of that cage. Its awesome!
adding tubes would be great, my girls love their tubes! I really love the top hat and glasses!

Watch out with that "Kitter Kabob" the plastic hamster or whatever it is that is on top (the thing the coconut fluff is hanging from) I had one and my male chin chewed the ear off. After that I took a hammer and broke it off (that was kind of fun :rofl:) and now I use with my girls to put willow balls on.
Ask Stacie, it's her cage :neener: I was just using it as an example of how big the corner houses were compared to the FN.

Oh right the paying attention thing. Thanks!