What is wrong with this chinchilla's ears?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Ooooh LOL I had no idea they could get freckles! That's so crazy! Thank you, I was so worried something was biting her or something.
I can't believe I was so upset about freckles! Basketcase over here! What causes freckles? Now that I know they're normal it's pretty cute. Thank you guys for letting me know =D

I've been looking at craigslist the past couple days. Sadly there's a listing in my area for a groups of chinchillas, 1 male 1 pregnant female and 3 kits. They want $250 for the pregnant female because she's pregnant. If I knew more about chinchillas I would take her and keep her from breeding again. Isn't it unhealthy to breed back to back like that? I don't know anything about chin pregnancies though. Is there somewhere on the forum where I can post the listing and someone experienced might be able to take her?
Yes, you can post the listing in here. Although, I'm not sure the rules on that part of the classifieds so you might double check that first with an admin or moderator.

Also, you might check around and see if there is a rescue in your area. Adopting from a rescue allows them more room to help others. :D
All right, I will post there. Thank you! I am worried about the poor mama and I'd like to see her go to someone that won't use her as a money making machine or something. I feel badly for her.