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Expert Wheel Scrubber
Jan 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
I apologize in advance for this picture, but Alexander pooped this out and I have no idea what it is. I'm having a little freak out.


He seems completely fine otherwise. Help!
Wow. Looks like a lot of mucus...but maybe with some type of worms or something in there? Did you poke at it? What is the consistency of the white parts in there?
Ewwww. I'd send it for a fecal. Definitely something is going on. I've seen similar before but never a close up like that so I don't know if she had those wormish looking things or not.
That is just nasty, I would freak out too! I think a fecal is needed for sure.
I'll be taking that as well as a sample of his "normal" poop in. He's going to go on antibiotics and Revolution too. Poor guy!
i hope he makes a full recovery and you never have to make a discovery of whatever it was that you posted! good thing i didnt eat lunch yet! lol
I hope the meds get rid of that nastyness! Hopefully he will feel great and the meds will not bother him. Keep us posted!
He he... sorry Michelle. My new camera is 10 megapixels, so it doesn't leave much to the imagination! I sent the pic to my vet, and he says its probably not worms, but we are going to do a fecal anyway just in case. I'll be picking up some antibiotics for him today. I hope he's a syringe biter like Phoebe... it'll make medicating him a lot easier.
Good luck at the vet!

Off topic - what kind of camera do you have? I got one for Christmas and I just can't get it to take nice photos at all. I'm in the market for a new one. lol.
yup that is nasty, don't blame you for freaking out. I woudl also go to the vet, pls keep us updated and good luck.

Good luck at the vet!

Off topic - what kind of camera do you have? I got one for Christmas and I just can't get it to take nice photos at all. I'm in the market for a new one. lol.

I got a Canon Elph a few years ago and for the longest time I could not consistently get good pictures. It had a very specific range I needed to stick to or the pictures were horrid. I've finally caught on to it, but it was so different from my old Olympus that would take great pictures regardless of what I did.
I got a Canon Elph a few years ago and for the longest time I could not consistently get good pictures. It had a very specific range I needed to stick to or the pictures were horrid. I've finally caught on to it, but it was so different from my old Olympus that would take great pictures regardless of what I did.

I've played with every single setting on this crazy camera, and the only good photos I get are in the macro setting, and when I have the flash on - indoors during the day too. If I breathe while I'm taking a picture, it's blurry. LOL.
Initially pictures taken outside were the best and macro was horrible. I just could not get decent ones and it didn't seem to matter what distance I was from the subject. I really don't think I'm doing anything different than I used to but it macro now works great 90% of the the time.

I also have a new Olympus cheapy that I bought because I was so disgusted with the Canon. Both of them are really movement sensitive and the little shake icon comes on. Heck, I've had both on a tripod and the shake icon would come on. lol

What kind is yours?
It's a Fuji Film Finepix S1000fd. It's got all sorts of settings, apertures and a bunch of other things that confuse me horribly.

To put this back on topic - any news on the little guy, Sandi?
LOL, he seems OK. His poop was a little more normal today and there was only a bit of that jelly stuff. Yuck. He ran all night again, ate a ton of food and drank about half of his water dish!

The camera is a Canon Powershot A480 - only $150 at Best Buy! I had a different Powershot a long time ago and it was the best camera I ever had. When it died, I got a Samsung that just sucked - every picture was blurry, etc. So then I got this one and I love it. It has all kinds of different settings and it takes amazing pictures. I would highly recommend it.
I'm pleased to report that Alexander's poop was normal last night! It was properly formed and there was none of that nasty jelly. I'll be interested to see what the fecal reveals.
I wonder if that's what happens if a hedgehog doesn't have food for a while, and then when he does, his body tries to reset itself or something like? Maybe it was just flushing all the toxins and whatnot out.
Did you feed him anything other an kibble? I have seen undigested apple go through a hedgehog. While her's wasn't surrounded by all the mucous, it was a poop made entirely up of apple. With all the stress in his life, I could phathom him eating a bunch of something and causing his GI to get really upset and pass the food with little digestion. I thought of the apple poo because of the color of whatever bits are in his stool.

Needless, I'm very interested to see what the vet has to say.
No, all he's had with me is kibble. The vet said it looked to him like the poor little guy just had a really upset tummy. I've got all the antibiotics now and we'll start on them tonight. One for his tummy and one for his URI. I really don't know how I'm going to do this - I don't think he's going to let me stick a syringe in his mouth, let alone two! I foresee a hedgehog and an owner, both covered in antibiotics... :laughitup: