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Last friday night my hedgie Quinius was very lethargic and wobbly. The temperature in his room was 74 so I turned the heat up to about 78. Saturday night he was still wobbly but he was warm and didn't seem as lethargic. Sunday night he was a little wobbly but he was using his wheel and had normal poop. Last night he was really lethargic and would move around and then just lay down. His breathing was pretty rapid and he wasn't interested in eating. I've been really busy with school and have finals this week and I couldn't get him in the vet until this upcoming Thursday. He didn't make it that long though... I feel like I failed. I failed Quinn and I failed the hedgehog community. I thought I was doing everything right for him and then this happened. I'm hurt and confused. Why did this happen and what should I do? I contacted his breeder this morning and left her a message. I feel like a terrible person and that this is all my fault...