I bought a small bag of Oxbow Timothy hay from Petsmart today...
just to try it out on Sunny and see if he likes it. I also got him a bag of Oxbow orchard grass. He started inhaling the Timothy Hay immediatly, lol! He's NEVER been anywhere near as interested in Kaytee! He acted like he does with his rosehips when he gets them as a treat. Even the stalks he loved, which he'd just nibble on with Kaytee's. And no, it wasn't as green (Kaytee's is strangely green, lol-I can see what some of you mean by that) but he's always preferred the brown peices anyway-he's weird like that

So, Sunny is officially an Oxbow LOVER!!!!
I only gave him a few pieces of the orchard grass cause I wasn't sure how much he should have-he ate them right away, first thing, lol! When I go to bed, I'll check to see if he already needs more Timothy hay cause I don't put a lot in his cage at a time-then he wastes a LOT more. Just a handful and always rechecked in the morning, adding more when needed, but with this new stuff.... I'm confused about the Orchard Grass, though, cause before I got him, I also got him a bag of alfalfa with the timothy hay, but then read a few days later that it should very rarely be given in small quantities as a treat (especially since he's on Mazuri alfalfa based food), so that bags still huge, only given like once a month and just a pinch of the tiny leaves and a stalk as a treat. How about the Orchard Grass, though?! How much should he be given a day, a week, a month?! Maybe Oat Hay would've been the better choice....
Oh, and I'll check out the people on this site who sell applewood! If he loves it as much as he loved that farmerdave applewood toy, I'll stick with them. And a new thing to keep my hay in, like that bag in Sandi's pics! I doubt I'll need one so big, though, for my one chin-child

Thanks everyone! I just LOVE this site:thumbsup: