While I was at work, I got a picture of a package from my fiancee. My SS gift had arrived with the help of Ronda (Ronda, darling, not sure who you are, not by real name anyway, but thank you ever so much!!)! Believe me, I wanted to rush home right away or have him bring it by at lunch time, but I remained calm till I got home to quickly opened the package. Immediately I was smacked in the face with this amazing mix of scents and giggled as I found an envelope WITHIN an envelope, as if it was a test to see if I could wait till Christmas (and we all know I cannot). Upon opening the second, I was stunned by the chinnie heaven that laid in the bag. Thank you SS, whoever you are, You have made my night. So many items, I couldn't believe my eyes! Some of which I'm not 100% sure how to treat my chinnies with, so the learning experience will be awesome for us all. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!