More thoughts/ponderings about dry skin and quill loss
Thanks to everyone who has responded, and especially to Philogirl for this original post.
I'm sorry, Lauren; I missed your original post about Spike's reactions to baths. From what I can gather, the poor little guy sounds like he not only dislikes the Dreaded Baff, but they legitimately traumatize him. My heart goes out to him.
Hmmm... olive oil in a spritzer bottle... that's a great idea! I've been using an oral irrigation syringe, but I'm concerned that it doesn't really cover the areas it needs to (or if it does, I wind up using too much, and then he needs another bath - and that's just not fair to subject Little Bear to that).
Speaking of spray bottles - I wonder if Spike would object to a light, very gentle "shower" with a fine-misting spray bottle? Just a little brainstorm idea to throw out there. I have no idea how effective it would be, if you even need/want that sort of suggestion.
Lauren, I'm glad to hear your vet respected your concerns about ivermectin injections and is using a lower dose. I couldn't tell from the post: did your vet still give Spike an injection, or is the lower dosage also a topical application?
I hope this round of ivermectin helps out with Spike's skin. *cross fingers*
So the antibiotic seemed to help a little, but not for the overall flakiness? Little Bear's skin hasn't ever appeared red or irritated, but it often appears quite flaky. And the quill loss is astounding. But he doesn't have any apparent bald patches, and when I look at the dropped skin flakes on dark material, I don't see movement.
I used to put a drop or two of vitamin E oil in Little Bear's food, but I stopped because it's a fat-soluble vitamin and my vet couldn't find an appropriate dosage in his exotic formulary book. I think I may switch over to the fish oil and see if he'll accept the taste of that.
Hmmm... I wonder if European hedgehogs anoint like domesticated African/Algerian hedgies anoint. If not, then the baby oil is a great idea. Otherwise, I'd be hesitant using a non-edible oil. But I'm sure St. Tiggywinkle's knows a lot more about hedgies than I do. : ) By the way, Spud is getting quills and fur back! They're still not sure what caused his problems, but they think it may have been a particularly virulent strain of sarcoptic mange. Apparently the third time was the charm treatment-wise. Poor guy! : (
Well, if you've read this far, thanks for sticking with me. Thanks for all the comments, and best wishes to Spike in dealing with his skin. : )
---Lisa Ann