What could this be? Hard painful knot on side of foot.

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LOL I'm grossed out by feet too, but I had no idea what this is and it is seriously painful. Everyone on here knows pretty much everything so I'd thought I'd ask :p

Anyway I went to the doctor today and it is an inclusion cyst- so at least I don't have warts. But..I definitely do not want to deal with surgery right now so I'm just going to have to put up with it for awhile.

I'm the curious cat who "googles" everything. This is one of those times I should have just gone to watch T.V.... I googled "inclusion cyst" and clicked the "image" tab at the top of the page. Saw a picture that I think every man will cringe at. Strangely though, I didn't find any pictures of inclusion cysts on feet... Time to go watch some NCIS.