What bedding do you use?

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I was presantly surprized that you can sort of litter train chins! My chins started pee in the litter boxes! They poo elsewhere, but pee in the boxes!

How do you go about training them to pee only in the pan? It seems like a good idea!
Some chins go pee in the same spot so it's really easy as you just put a litter pan where they have been peeing. I have a few like that. Others pee all over the place or on their shelves. I have no luck getting those chins to use a litter pan.
remember though that when you potty train them they will still poop all over the place. you can only potty train them to pee in the litter pan
Chipper came to me trained to pee in a dish. He also came with a bag of aspen chips and an unopened bag of that carefresh stuff so I tried it. He's a carefresh eater so it came right back out so quickly his head spun. Actually took the piece he was devouring right out of his mouth! Aspen for you, Buddy! ;)

Just viewed the how to on fleece liners and am planning one for the first floor of his cage. Love that idea! I'll make a couple so I can wash one while he's on one. I'll be making him a tube too.