What are you afraid of??

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I'm not really afraid of many things, but I am afraid of suffering for long terms, and my body giving out long before my mind.

I am not afraid of death because I don't think it's an end, but a new start for a new journey.
I was jsut talking about this with my bf today! I have completely irrational fears.

1. So the chucky doll! He hides behind my toilet. In the back seat of my car. Under my bed.. In my closet. He hates me.. I told a friend of mine one time that the chucky doll was one of my bigger fears. We worked in the mall and on our lunch break we walked into Spencers just to look around and visit our friend that worked there and he took the Chucky mask put it on and chased me out of the store and down the mall. I was screaming and crying and totally embarassed.

2. I have to run and jump into my bed because Im afraid to walk next to my bed for fear that someone is hiding under there and will slit my Achilles tendon and I will fall and they will kill me.
Ok have you guys seen pet cemetary? Well you know that evil baby Gage? And how the baby went under the bed and slit the old mans Achilles tendon so he would fall and he killed him? Well that mixed with my Chucky fear.. FORGET IT! I dont care how tired I am but I have to run and jump into bed.

3. I have a fear of being alone my whole life. (Dying alone)

4. The dark

5. Death. I have a fear of my animals and loved ones dying. I wish they would all out-live me.

6. Lizards. I wont tell the story behind this in the public part but yea.. I have a fear of them.

7. Fans. Like the ones you can fall in. Or things can fall in..(AC unit fan or the one at the end of one of the Chucky movies when he fell in and got all chopped up)

And thats all for now.
I suffer from emetephobia....it's the fear of vomit...baddddd phobia...can't see it on TV, real life, nothing...I pass out cold if I do...
Earthquakes and needles.

I've been through a big earthquake (1994 Northridge quake), and that messed me up for life. ::sigh:: I duck/crouch down and/or go in to survival mode if I feel the ground shaking or think its shaking (like on top of big buildings that sway).
2. I have to run and jump into my bed because Im afraid to walk next to my bed for fear that someone is hiding under there and will slit my Achilles tendon and I will fall and they will kill me.
Ok have you guys seen pet cemetary? Well you know that evil baby Gage? And how the baby went under the bed and slit the old mans Achilles tendon so he would fall and he killed him? Well that mixed with my Chucky fear.. FORGET IT! I dont care how tired I am but I have to run and jump into bed.

SAME! I also have that fear because of that old urban legend about the escaped mental patient hiding under that girl's bed and pretending to be her dog by licking her hand. Oh my, I will NOT get any where near the edge of the bed. I sleep in the corner against the wall.
As far as Chucky goes, I love that dude! Especially his 'girlfriend' Tiffany who so lovingly shares my name. I was thinking about buying the Tiffany doll just to wear the necklace. As crazy as Chucky is, he's hilarious. Like on Seed Of Chucky when Tiffany kept quoting her mom and he made the comment (I'll censor it) "I killed her 20 years ago and she still won't shut up." That made me cackle sooo hard.
I also have that fear because of that old urban legend about the escaped mental patient hiding under that girl's bed and pretending to be her dog by licking her hand. Oh my, I will NOT get any where near the edge of the bed. I sleep in the corner against the wall.
OMG!!! What?? That just gave me shivers down my legs! lol
SAME! I also have that fear because of that old urban legend about the escaped mental patient hiding under that girl's bed and pretending to be her dog by licking her hand. Oh my, I will NOT get any where near the edge of the bed. I sleep in the corner against the wall.

OMG DISGUSTING! Thanks! Add this one to my list!

As far as Chucky goes, I love that dude! Especially his 'girlfriend' Tiffany who so lovingly shares my name. I was thinking about buying the Tiffany doll just to wear the necklace. As crazy as Chucky is, he's hilarious. Like on Seed Of Chucky when Tiffany kept quoting her mom and he made the comment (I'll censor it) "I killed her 20 years ago and she still won't shut up." That made me cackle sooo hard.

And I LOVE Tiffany.. Its Chucky I dont like.. And his voice reminds me of the voice for the wall shaker AC unit in "Brave Little Toaster" I cant stand that one either.
OMG!!! What?? That just gave me shivers down my legs! lol

Oh wow yall've never heard that one? it goes something like...
A girl was sick, and her parents were going out to dinner and they decided she could stay at home by herself and left. Her loyal dog always slept under her bed and licked her hand whenever she draped her arm over the side. She got a phone call from her parents saying "We just heard on the radio that an escaped mental patient is on the loose, just stay in bed and everything'll be alright." Well, she hears a noise and gets scared, calls the police and hangs her arm over the side of the bed and feels the licking, everything was good. Police get there, she goes down to greet them, they find her dog dead behind the couch. She says "That can't be! He's under my bed, he licked my hand!" and the cop gets his gun out and says "Humans can lick too..."
Freaky stuff man. Freaky.
Oh wow yall've never heard that one? it goes something like...
A girl was sick, and her parents were going out to dinner and they decided she could stay at home by herself and left. Her loyal dog always slept under her bed and licked her hand whenever she draped her arm over the side. She got a phone call from her parents saying "We just heard on the radio that an escaped mental patient is on the loose, just stay in bed and everything'll be alright." Well, she hears a noise and gets scared, calls the police and hangs her arm over the side of the bed and feels the licking, everything was good. Police get there, she goes down to greet them, they find her dog dead behind the couch. She says "That can't be! He's under my bed, he licked my hand!" and the cop gets his gun out and says "Humans can lick too..."
Freaky stuff man. Freaky.

Oh wow yall've never heard that one? it goes something like...
A girl was sick, and her parents were going out to dinner and they decided she could stay at home by herself and left. Her loyal dog always slept under her bed and licked her hand whenever she draped her arm over the side. She got a phone call from her parents saying "We just heard on the radio that an escaped mental patient is on the loose, just stay in bed and everything'll be alright." Well, she hears a noise and gets scared, calls the police and hangs her arm over the side of the bed and feels the licking, everything was good. Police get there, she goes down to greet them, they find her dog dead behind the couch. She says "That can't be! He's under my bed, he licked my hand!" and the cop gets his gun out and says "Humans can lick too..."
Freaky stuff man. Freaky.

OK...more shivers down the legs with goosebumps this time!!! Ahh!
A girl was sick, and her parents were going out to dinner and they decided she could stay at home by herself and left. Her loyal dog always slept under her bed and licked her hand whenever she draped her arm over the side. She got a phone call from her parents saying "We just heard on the radio that an escaped mental patient is on the loose, just stay in bed and everything'll be alright." Well, she hears a noise and gets scared, calls the police and hangs her arm over the side of the bed and feels the licking, everything was good. Police get there, she goes down to greet them, they find her dog dead behind the couch. She says "That can't be! He's under my bed, he licked my hand!" and the cop gets his gun out and says "Humans can lick too..."
This freaks me out!! I've heard it before, but I guess I forgot. If my dog's not IN bed with me, I make sure my hands are either under my pillows or tucked in tight around my sides or something...cause one day, I had my hand hanging over the edge, and she pushed her wet nose against my hand, and I was half asleep and I about peed myself (thinking it was like the above quote). Freaks me the heck out!
Greychins I can't believe you never heard that dog story before! It's creepy that's for sure!
My fears:

BEARS. I'll be fine if I see them at the zoo or something, but in the wild or around houses, I freeze and practically stop breathing. I remember one time staying at my cousins house and we went outside and saw a little black bear jumping fences! I swear I stopped breathing and ran back in the house!

SPIDERS. I hate small spiders! I can stand turantulas (sp?) but not smaller spiders OR Daddy Long legs!

CLOWNS. I really don't know what put this fear in me, but I'm so very afraid of clowns! Anything that resembles a clown makes me freeze and stop breathing.

Michael Myers. Which now that I think of it, probably started the fear with clowns for me. When I was little I watched the Halloween movie and had nightmares for MONTHS. He wore the clown mask in the beginning. But what really got me afraid of Michael Myers is my Aunts boyfriend. One Halloween he dressed like him (didn't know it was him at the time) and chased me and my cousin around the house with a knife. He ended up backing us in a corner and then took the mask off... grrrrrrrrr he's such a mean person!

That I won't be able to have children

Walking outside at night alone

A stranger walking into my house. Kind of a funny story, yet very shocking. One night I was on the computer and my brother was playing his video games in our living room. Out of no where, these 2 teenage girls walk right into our house! I sat there shocked! I didn't know these kids! The one girl asks if an Ashley lived here and I'm like.... NO!. They were a little embarrassed, but said "Oh, wrong house!" and left... I can't believe they just walk in anyones house!!!! Yea, needless to say, I keep the doors locked now, haha!

Large Crowds. I hate going into an over crowded store. People blocking isles and bumping into you... thinking about it makes me want to :sick:

DIRTY TISSUES. Ok, this is more of a peeve than a fear I guess, but in any case its discusting! Ever since I took Biology and Physiology in Highschool, I've been afraid of this. My teacher basically told us that the worse germs ever are lying in a dirty tissue. Seeing dirty tissues make me want to vomit. I'm so afraid of catching something because I have issues with asthma and usually come down with bronchitus with makes everything 10 times worse. It happened a lot when I was little and had to use a nebulizer (sp?). I sooo dont' want to go through that again.

OK, I think thats it for now, lol.
When I was younger and my dad left, I had an extreme phobia of invaders. The psycholigist said it was my way to reacting to my dad leaving and the divorce.

I am terried of agonizing pain like being tortured.
Thank you. It's nice to hear positive things like that. Once a woman had asked me if my husband was dead yet and that I should be ashamed to even advertise I'm a military wife. (Sticker on car) I was so shocked I was speachless.

We have a group of those idiots that protest here in Fayetteville. I would have punched that lady in the face if she said something like that to me about my husband - I am a military wife too and my husband made it home last July. Best of luck to you

Diva - we used to tell that story at sleepovers lol.

I can't sleep with my hand hanging off the bed for the same reason - afraid someone or thing would grab it.
-Zombies and Vampires


That's pretty much it- so much for being rational.
I'm afraid of the dark, or whatever's in the dark. My husband and me watched Darkness Falls awhile back and I slept with a maglite flashlight for weeks and I still sleep with a nightlight on. I guess I'm really afraid of ghosts or something in the dark.

I'm also afraid of spiders and snakes (except for the snake that I own I love her so that's sort of weird I don't know what that's about).
I have a terribly irrational fear of aliens & alien abductions. Ever since I was little I always thought aliens were going to get me and it hasn't gone away. If someone broke into my house late at night I would immediately think an alien came in to get me. It's really terrible, especially since I have a balcony outside of my bedroom.

My next biggest fear is falling. I'm not really afraid of heights, but I am deathly afraid of the drop.