What are we doing wrong!??

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Bonne I just wanted to let you know that Leonard has always had small poos--he eats the same as everyone else, and is a good size. Sometimes chins are healthy but just don't have large poos. As long as nothing changes in their eating and drinking habits, I wouldn't be alarmed.
not all my chinnies poop are the same. some are longer & skinnier & some are shorter & fatter. i think as long as they are not the size as a piece of rice and real hard that there are probably varying sizes to each individual poop and that can also range at different times during the day as well
@Sumiko Manna Pro Show is their food. Timothy Hay. Alfafa hay. They get different things each night. depends but its rosehips, 1/2 shreddie, flower salad (once a week), yucca wood, palm shredder piece.

He out wieghs all the others (always has). He's the oldest. Nothing in his deit has changed.

Is their a way to get a chin to drink more water? Not sure that is it, he drinks about the same amount every day.
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I wouldn't be concerned. His diet is good and as long as he eats a lot of hay and drinks water, that just may be his "normal." Every chin is different.

I was just asking about diet because I've taken in rescue chins with small hard poos that were on low quality pellets. Once the feed was switched (I use Manna Pro Sho and Oxbow), their poos were much larger. Also, chins that are dehydrated can get smaller pinched poos.

If his poos are always like that and his diet and water intake is good, it shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah, always like that. Small and rounded and lots and lots of them. haha

That is a relief to hear. Some nights I've skipped giving a shreddie thinking it might be constipation. *Sorry Gizmo for not giving your shreddie and making you so mad*