What a day!!!!!! Crazy stalker!!

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If you lived closer, I'd loan you a 100 lb. pit that doesn't bark!!
I agree about the dog...and females are generally better protectors. And a nosy older neighbor who is home all the time might be a good lookout too! They don't have to do anything but see her and call 911 and you. Sorry to hear about this...what a psycho. You said the police questioned two women in the car? Who was the other woman?? Or did I read that wrong...
I agree about the dog...and females are generally better protectors. And a nosy older neighbor who is home all the time might be a good lookout too! They don't have to do anything but see her and call 911 and you. Sorry to hear about this...what a psycho. You said the police questioned two women in the car? Who was the other woman?? Or did I read that wrong...

nope you are right, there were two people in the car (sorry didn't explain that) - there was the crazy woman and her roommate/friend? I only say roommate because in her many crazy voicemails she said she was bringing her roommate, but who knows if they really live together. However the girl she brought with her does also work with her, James recognized her when they pulled her out of the car, so she is getting fired as well
Getting fired in this economy could push almost anyone over the edge! But what else can you do?
Make sure you've protection on Tuesday, whether police patrols or not - maybe hire a off-duty cop for a week or two??
Good luck!!
very scary. the mace is a great idea. and its good your boss is being understanding. but honestly, once that crazy biotch is fired she is probably going to blame you. please be careful. let everyone you can know about her, so they are on the lookout. and maybe alert the police again. remind them what happened and let them know that she may be coming after you. some of the messages she left could "sound" like terroristic threats and that is a federal offense. good luck. make sure you cordless phone or cell phone is always charged and right next to you!
Why do most people in America actually have guns?
When you have coyotes I understand but like in the cities?

Just asking :D

I have coyotes, but they are the least of my problems and are probably more afraid of me than I am of them.

Most Americans feel they are safer when they have a gun, loaded or not. Some cities here in the states like New York or Chicago and such places have some really rough downtown cities. Anything from gangs, to drug dealers, and tons of people committing crimes. Someone may want to protect themselves.

Here in Arizona it is a free carry state, meaning, you can carry your gun, loaded or not, into a public building. Some people take that law a little too far, but whatever.

I personally have a gun, but I have never used it. My boyfriend bought it for me after we had a drop house (A place where illegal immigrants live, illegally of course, and often times drugs, rape, and murders are done there) found in my surrounding area and houses had been broken into. He just wants me to be safe.
I don't think that most people have guns. We live in the middle of nowhere with illegal immigrants, drug runners coming over the border and all the dangerous wildlife (mountain lions, possibly bears some years). People in the cities don't seem to have a lot of guns...or at least the people that I end up meeting don't. There is a lot of paranoia here about crime, lots and lots of fear.
I agree, I don't think most people have guns here in America, it just depends on the area. Where I live in Wisconsin, it's pretty unheard of for people to be carrying guns. Many people have them in their house for hunting, so shotgun type guns, but not pistols or anything small. Actually, I guess that Wisconsin is only one of two states that it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon for private citizens.

But of course, some people who are into crime will carry guns illegally. Probably a majority of the people in gangs and such aren't legally able to carry guns due to a felony or previous charges against the person. But of course they do it anyways for protection.
We live out in the country just a little bit, it would take the sherrif sp? at least 15-30 minutes to get here. You're on your own and a lot can happen in that time. I have had to threaten one creep with it and I was glad I had it, he left in a hurry and I doubt he'll be back. Target shooting is fun also.
I'm sorry you're going through this.

You need a safety plan for each location you'll be at - ie, how do you get into work safely, how do you stay safe at work, how do you leave work safely; how do you get into your condo safely, how do you make sure you're safe inside (she could be in there waiting; she might try to break in), how do you leave home safely, etc...

Alert other people... yes, even if they're older and you'd rather not have them know. It's not your fault that woman is crazy. The more people who know, the better. And the more they know what to do (ie, call 911 immediately if they see her; alert you/your significant other to the danger), even better.

Vary your routine... get to work a bit early sometimes, take different routes (on busy streets, maybe that go by police and/or fire stations) home.

Keep someone with you or go to them. Can you visit a friend for awhile? Good old Aunt Martha, perhaps... especially on Tuesday.

I wouldn't rely on a weapon as your first line of defense. As it's been stated, it could be used against you. It also might give you a false sense of security.

Record every call, every text, every email, knock at the door, etc... and get that information to authorities immediately. As in, the police told her not to call, then she did it three times... you need to call the police back. You're not pestering the police; you're helping save yourself.
Ditto that not "most Americans" have guns, however, a lot of people in the major cities, do. My boyfriend plans on getting me a gun when I turn 21(legal age to carry a handgun), simply because of the area I live in and I often walk to/from work.

I simply suggested a pump action shotgun because even if you don't have shells and it's fully unarmed, the cocking sound is extremely off-putting.

I hope she finally leaves you guys alone!
Here are some statistics (from an anti-gun control site, so take that into consideration) about gun ownership and useage in the U.S. for those that are interested in the tangent: http://gunowners.org/fs0404.htm

I never suggest a firearm as a solution to this kind of problem, just because there's not time enough for the victims to become responsible weapon owners now that the situation has arisen. If you had a gun before this happened, that would be a different story, but for now, I'd be looking into installing a good security system and getting a restraining order against this former coworker and her friend, as well as keeping a non-lethal weapon (mace, etc.) on your person at all times.
That click noise that a shotgun makes would make someone stop right there.

A security system is a good idea. They sell cheap door alarms at walmart, I believe. Those are enough to make crazy stalker chicks run away, or at least they should be.
Wow.... this isn't a 'ha ha this is amusing' type situation!
(not that anyone's saying that)
This is a 'be careful or you'll be found 2 years later under her front porch in little pieces' kind of situation.

I'm just saying that to stress that this should NOT be taken lightly. Sometimes people feel like they're invincible... that bad things only happen to other people. Remind yourself of how that's not true every time you walk out that door. I'm not saying 'be afraid', I'm saying that you should empower yourself to be smarter than her and to be able to protect yourself.

Go out and get yourself some pointy car keys and put them between your fingers (Wolverine style)... just another suggestion instead of a gun.
Well no news really to share. We are not sure if she was fired today, we know the the store manager did speak with her, he left James a message and said he spoke to her (didn't say if she had been fired or not) and he told James he needed to listen to the voicemails she has left him. The store manager also told James to watch his back, so I am really wondering what she told him. James did get one phone call from her today.

I have been away from the house all day, I work a good 30 mins away and then I go to school right after work. James is home tonight thank goodness so I am going to call him when I get close to home so he can meet me at my car and won't have to walk in alone in the dark. We have been walking each other to and from our cars as much as we can and before we even park our cars, we do a lap around the condo and look for her car or anything unsual since of course she could borrow someone else's car. James also set up a webcam that covers the front of our condo and hopefully our cars (if we get a spot close to our building)

I would love to have a dog around but sadly no one that I know that lives close by has a dog I could borrow. My sister has two basset hounds, but she lives 50 miles away and well they are basset hounds and are more likely to lick someone to death... they don't even bark when someone knocks they just get excited.

Thanks again everyone for your advice and prayers :)
sounds like she fed the boss a bunch of bs that sounds like it might be believeable so the boss is trying to cover his butt for when he does fire her. he is probably afraid of wrongful termination type vendettas from crazy woman.
Suzi - I hope that she doesn't bother you anymore! I was thinking about you today when I went into the dark parking lot of the grocery store. I keep my keys in my hand so that I can jab at someone with them if they try to do something. I'm not very strong and I am always worried about someone dragging me off. If I had someone stalking us, I would be terrified.