What a day!!!!!! Crazy stalker!!

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Northern Virginia
So I had an adventure today! My boyfriend, James has been having problems with one of his employees at work. The woman seems to be mental ill and has been telling people at work that James and her are dating. She has even said that James didn't go to Hawaii (we went together about a month ago), instead he was with her... umm I think I would know if my boyfriend wasn't in Hawaii with me! She has also started leaving him crazy voicemails, in them she has called me and his parents bad names and recently she wrote him some crazy 4 page letter. James gave everything over to HR at work so they could handle things... well today the woman called him at around 12:20pm and said she was on her way to our house because she wanted to talk to me!! The only way she could know where we live is if she has followed James home from work, also we live in a condo so if she followed him she would only know what building we lived in (unless she followed him into the building which I think he would have noticed) we did have our names on our mailbox and front door so when we got the call, I told James to run done and take the names off so she wouldn't know what apartment we were in. So at around 12:30 we see her walking to our building!!!! I called the 911 (and was put on hold!) I told them what was going on and they said they would have someone out soon. So we grab the critters and shut ourselves up in the bedroom, I also told James to grab a kitchen knife because I felt like we needed something with us. So the woman calls his cell phone a few times and then leaves a message saying that she will be at our apartment at 1:30pm and that she knows our apartment number.... so that means she has been to our house before and seen our names on the mailbox and or on the door!! She also said in her message "you think I am crazy, I will show you crazy, your think I am a b**** I will show you a b****. At this point I called 911 again and sure enough at 1:30 she came walking to our apartment again (she had left and had been sitting in her car we guess) and this time she knocked at the door. I told 911 that she was now banging on the door and was leaving threatening messages. They said they would have someone there ASAP but all the officers were still busy. Crazy woman went back to her car and drove in around and parked it in front of building - it had been somewhere where we didn't see it. The police called me and I let them know where she was parked and that there was someone else in the car with her. Around 2pm the cops finally got here and she was still parked in the same spot, sitting in her car. She was calling James's phone and leaving him voice mails saying that she had left, we assume she was trying to get us to come out. The cops ran up to her car and pulled the two women out and talked to them. After a few mins an officer can up to our door and we explained everything. The cop did pull James away from me so they could ask him if anything she was saying was true - of course it's not. She also told the cops that James had left me and gone to live with her for two months and just moved back in and she was here to tell me about this, umm I think I would have known if my boyfriend moved out for two months! The cop also told James that she could tell within 5 mins of speaking to the woman, that she was not mentally stable.

So we have to get some type of order because of the phone calls, since she is using bad language in her messages. The cop also told us to ask about getting a "peace order" and we have to write our condo association and ask them to send her a letter stating that she is not allowed on the property. We can't get a full restraining order until she does something really crazy I guess. If she comes back the cop said to call 911 and she can be arrested for trespassing, since the cops tell her she wasn't allowed to come around. The cops also told her not to call him, which she has already done 3 times since they told her not to, so I am going to call the officer tomorrow and let her know.

We did go out today and I got some pepper spray, I certainly don't want a gun or anything like that but I feel like I need something to protect myself

argh what a day!!
Yeah, she sounds like a nut to me. It's scary to think that there's people like that out there!
OMG what a nightmare. I really hope the order will come through fast and sort her out. Poor you and James!
Suzi! That is just insane. I'm so sorry. I don't blame you one bit for getting pepper spray and keeping a knife nearby. Crazy people can be really strong.

I hope that she doesn't bother you or James anymore. Why on earth would she come to your apartment on a weekend day? That's just creepy...
Wow that is freakin scary, this woman is a NUT CASE!! I would definetly keep pepper spray and maybe a pocket knife on you at all times..who knows what she could be up to or where she could be hiding. Good luck, I hope she leaves you both alone!
I'd be getting all things relating to her, including what was given to HR and police report numbers, and going to the victim services department of your local states attorney's office!
Tell them you want this stopped before it turns uglier, and someone is hurt!
They should know the best way to handle it!
thanks everyone for your advice and kind words. I am going to work today and won't be getting home until 9:30 so James (who should be at work at that time) is going to go to work late so he can be home to make sure I get from my car to the condo safely. Bad part is I will be home alone tonight while he is at work... we have a friend that lives right down the street that I can call at anytime, I am afraid my neighbors in the building wouldn't be much of a help because they are all 65+ and I really wouldn't want to get the involved.
You can always call the police if she shows up again. I know she isn't a normal human being, but don't you think that could have scared her enough into not wanting to come over again?

It stinks because you can't just go outside or go to the store without worrying about her following you. Just be really careful... Maybe a baseball bat would be a good thing to keep nearby?
Being a baseball bat is very obvious, not to mention clumsy to carry, see if someone you know has one of those "souvenir" bats! Drill a hole through the small end, and put a 6 in. rope loop through it. More ladylike, should fit a large purse, and deadly as a billy club!
Screw lady-like; I'd be tossing my laundry quarters in a tube sock with a knot in it for a quick easy sap that's technically not a "concealed weapon".

Seconding the victim's services thing, too, and if you're concerned about staying home by yourself at night, does a friend have a yappy, stranger-reactive or very guard-oriented dog you could borrow until this blows over? I'm not suggesting an attack dog, but they have much better hearing and senses of smell than we do, and just the barking of a dog that hears an intruder can be a deterrent. And the company might help you stay calmer too.

*hugs* I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Lol I meant in the home or even in the car. Just make sure you check into local laws about carrying. I know here, you only have to be 18 for a shotgun or rifle and as long as it's not concealed, can carry one in a vehicle.
I know... It just reminds me of how it is out here. Everyone has guns, mostly for the coyotes. I have a little 22 rifle that I have out in the living room so that I can grab it if there's a coyote or another animal attacking the dogs. When people come to see the chins I really think it makes them uncomfortable. I had to set it in a corner where no one can see....
she is going to be fired on Tuesday, the HR manager called her and told her not to come to work until Tuesday (they wanted to do it when my boyfriend would not be at work) and she is going to be told if she comes anywhere into the store she will be arrested.

When I went to work today I told my boss everything so they could be on the lookout, if anyone matching her description comes into the store and ask for me they are going to tell her to leave or they will call the cops. Also, my boss told me it is okay for me to part right at the front door of the store, employees normally park in the back.