Western Ohio ECBC Show

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Hendryx Chinchillas
Jun 12, 2010
Cincinnati Area
I haven't seen the specifics for this show on the Empress Website or Facebook page yet and the info was published in the last magazine so I thought that I would share this info for anyone interested. Hope to see you all there!

Western Ohio ECBC State Show
Saturday, January 4th, 2014

Judge: Jim Ritterspach/ Rich Ryerson

Place:Jenera Community Center, Jenera, OH 43081

Schedule:Set -up Friday night 6:00 PM to ?

Saturday:Hall opens at 6:00 AM for registration and grooming

Judging begins at 10 :00AM

Type of Show:
10 Class Standard Live Animal
& Mutation Show

Awards:Trophies will be given for Standard and Mutation
Grand and Reserve Grand Show Champions.
Plaques for Standard Breeder Points 1st thru 5th place,
and Mutation Breeder Points 1st thru 3rd .

Entry Fee:$6.00 per entry ( Limit 20 animals for Standard and Mutation)

Lunch:Will be available at hall for $5.00/ person

Special Events:50/50 drawing

Comfort Inn,177 Commerce Ln.Bluffton, OH 45817

Fairway Inn 855 St. Rt. 103 Bluffton, OH 45817

Jim Ritterspach 419-326-6985

Jan Ryerson 567-358-6000
Thanks, Juanita, for posting this. I just got my magazine and hadn't had a chance to post it on FB yet. It's up now there, too.
Thanks, Juanita, for posting this. I just got my magazine and hadn't had a chance to post it on FB yet. It's up now there, too.

No problem Brenda! :) I just got tired of typing it over and over for people who were asking me. I emailed Maxine but wasn't sure who was in charge of the website or the Fb page. Now that I know it is you - I will bug you next time! :)
I just do the FB page. I actually am not sure who is in charge of the website. Maxine? Or maybe Tabitha?
I tend to get my magazine later than most and no one ever sends me info for the Fb page. Some folks post on their own, though.
We are hoping to attend this show. It's all dependent on weather now. I haven't booked my room yet. Hopefully next week I'll have a clearer picture if I'm going.
It says on the website to send show announcements to RDZCRanch@yahoo.com. I guess I need to put it at the very top of the page to make it more obvious. I just checked my email and I have not received one show announcement for the show season.
Who is planning on attending this show? I know the weather is horrible in many areas but so far the weather in this area tomorrow is supposed to be clear. More snow on the way for Sunday though.
Here's the top stats:
Standard Show:
Grand champion: Hummel
Reserve Grand champion: Hummel

Mutation Show:
Grand champion: Chinchillas by Design (beige)
Reserve Grand champion: Hummel (black velvet)

I attached pics, if you want to see more pictures check out our album on our Facebook page labeled Pictures from Show.

52 standards and 62 mutes were shown. I read off all the top awards but am to old to remember them all.
Unofficial Results

These are by no means "official" results but are what I have writeen down in my showbook from my notes"

As Randy said - there were 52 standards entered and 62 mutations. There were 9 exhibitors.

Standard Show
GSC - Hummel
RGSC - Hummel
Class 1 - CC - Ryerson RCC - Fauber
Class 2 - CC - Ryerson RCC - Hummel
Class 3 - CC - Hummel RCC - Hummel
Class 4 - CC - Hummel RCC - Hummel
Class 5 - CC - Hummel RCC - Hummel

Mutation Show
GSC - Lemler (Beige)
RGSC - Hummel (Black)
White - CC - Ritterspach RCC - Ritterspach
Sapphire - CC - Ritterspach RCC - Ritterspach
Violet - CC - Ritterspach RCC - Ritterspach
Beige - CC - Lemler RCC - Lemler
Ebony - CC - Walter RCC - Hendryx
Black - CC - Hummel RCC - Hummel

I did not write the breeder awards down and don't want to guess incorrectly so will let someone else take it from here.
2-8-14 we will be back to Jenera for the Michigan MCBA show. Lots of trophies for this one as all Color Section Champions and Reserve Color Sections champions will recieve trophies as well as Champion and Reserve Champion Female, Champion and Reserve Champion Male, GrandShow and Reserve Grandshow.