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is it normal for a hedgehog to wheel in the daytime. Right after they were taken out of there cage for 10mins?

I took SweetPea out to clean her cage. When i put her back she wheeled for about 20mins?
I have had a couple "daytime wheelers." My Inara will wake up in the middle of the day, pop out of her igloo, run for five minutes or so, then go back to sleep. She always looks like she wakes up and remembers, "Hey, I have a wheel! I should go run!"
Needler will do this. He wont poop outside of his wheel. So he wakes up, runs until he poops and then gets off to sleep again.
Cuda does this. I think he does it because he just doesn't want to wait until it's night time to go for a jog.

Hemi used to wheel after a bath, or when I'd do something to make her upset. As soon as I put her back in her cage, she'd stomp to her wheel, look at me, get on and run as hard as she could. It was like she was saying, "I'm just... so... mad... at you! I can't help it! I'm so mad... I need to run!"