I grind up my pellets very fine, add filtered water, and some baby food squash. since my chin does not eat really any pellets, i am his sole source of food. i notice if i dont add the baby food the pellet paste gets too clumpy and he actually gags on it.
so i make it more on the watery side. things i have tried and were recommended to me from 2 different vets was in addition to or in place of the squash, you can use plain pumpkin (the squash jars are smaller so they are easier for me to deal with), also baby food green beans, which i add about 1 tsp of to give it a thinner consistancy.
initially he would not touch anything, but now i hardly have to add any baby food to get him to eat. he also fought me tooth & nail.....literally! and now he just sits there & eats.
i wrap him in a thin dish towel or burp cloth so that the mix doesnt get all over him. he did not like being wrapped in a big towel and he did not like big syringes. i finally found the right food mix, syring size & towel method & now i get between 36 & 46 cc's into him at each feeding, which is 3 times a day since that is when he gets meds.
good luck. every chin is different and you need to see what works for him & you.
also i give him the life line mix at each feeding.......i give it to him in the beginning before his meds, so it sorta coats him, than meds, than food and than a little more lifeline at the end, so he has a good taste in his mouth.
i have to grind up the lifeline too, because the little seeds of bee pollen make him gag, but i just mix that with a little filtered water and he really likes it.
the lifeline is a lifesaver for me! i bought the huge container and i use it every day.