We have a routine

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I feel so accomplished me and Whiskers have a routine! After she gets bored she goes in her cage, sits on a corner ledge looks at me as if to say "Put up the cardboard playpen, vacuum up, and give me my treat!" Then i obey her commands then hide her treat in the cage somewhere and she looks EVERYWHERE for it, even under the liners!! then once she finds it she sits on her wheel and eats it.
Thats awesome!! it feels good to achieve something like that!
U R a good chin dad. I really am impressed with your dedication and maturity. I hope my son is as responsible at 14. Nice job!
That is awesome! Isn't it rewarding to see how patience and kindness pays off? I want to try hiding the treat to see if they will look for it, but I don't think my chins are that smart! They will probably just stare at me like I am mean for not giving it to them. :hmm:
Yea Whiskers thinks its a game, she goes everywhere, through the tube, in the fleece house, in the hammock, in the bungalow thingy, under the wheel, its fun to watch, i didnt even really train her, i just hid it one day and she did that!
That's so funny how Whiskers does that! Kunya amazes me daily with his intelligence and his tellapathic (sp?) communications..."give me a treat" LOL :)