Hooked on Hogs
My beautiful Waylon crossed the bridge yesterday morning sometime between 8 and 9:30. It has been an emotional few days as I willed him to get better. I had the sick feeling since Tuesday that he would not make it.
Two weeks ago yesterday Waylon was at the vet because he had started sleeping in the open. I had switched him to a different cage and I thought maybe it was a protest over the new cage but I didn’t want to take any chances so off to the vet we went. He got an all clear and when we got home I put him in his old cage where he promptly went back to sleeping in his bag. I told him he was a stinker but kept a close watch on him for the next week and he was fine, nothing unusual.
Monday he was out in the open again and Tuesday morning he had not eaten anything overnight. He also had very sticky dark green poops that had that off smell of an intestinal infection so was put on antibiotics. He was going downhill fast He was exhausted and could barely walk yet was eating well with me syringing him. I was getting 3-5 mls in him at each syringing and he was eating more in a day being syringed than he ever ate on his own. He was so weak he couldn't walk, yet still eating well with me syringing him. Thursday night I started wondering if this was something more than an intestinal infection.
Friday morning was the first time he didn’t have much interest in being syringed but I still was hopeful because he’ed decided to start sleeping under his bag. We had to go into town for a bit and when we got home he had passed.
Preliminary necropsy report points to it being his heart. She said his heart was thick on one side and both she and the other vet said it was very odd looking. She has sent his heart and other samples out for pathology and hopefully will get some definite answers.
Waylon was one of the Texas Tumbleweeds who came on a long trip from Texas to southern Ontario.
Waylon was a wonderful little boy and I’m heartbroken that his life was so short. He was such a trusting little soul despite all he’ed been through in his short life. I can’t believe he’es gone.
Love you my sweet sweet boy.
Two weeks ago yesterday Waylon was at the vet because he had started sleeping in the open. I had switched him to a different cage and I thought maybe it was a protest over the new cage but I didn’t want to take any chances so off to the vet we went. He got an all clear and when we got home I put him in his old cage where he promptly went back to sleeping in his bag. I told him he was a stinker but kept a close watch on him for the next week and he was fine, nothing unusual.
Monday he was out in the open again and Tuesday morning he had not eaten anything overnight. He also had very sticky dark green poops that had that off smell of an intestinal infection so was put on antibiotics. He was going downhill fast He was exhausted and could barely walk yet was eating well with me syringing him. I was getting 3-5 mls in him at each syringing and he was eating more in a day being syringed than he ever ate on his own. He was so weak he couldn't walk, yet still eating well with me syringing him. Thursday night I started wondering if this was something more than an intestinal infection.
Friday morning was the first time he didn’t have much interest in being syringed but I still was hopeful because he’ed decided to start sleeping under his bag. We had to go into town for a bit and when we got home he had passed.
Preliminary necropsy report points to it being his heart. She said his heart was thick on one side and both she and the other vet said it was very odd looking. She has sent his heart and other samples out for pathology and hopefully will get some definite answers.
Waylon was one of the Texas Tumbleweeds who came on a long trip from Texas to southern Ontario.
Waylon was a wonderful little boy and I’m heartbroken that his life was so short. He was such a trusting little soul despite all he’ed been through in his short life. I can’t believe he’es gone.
Love you my sweet sweet boy.