Warning: Vent!

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
So I troll Craigslist pretty frequently. Just in case a great cage comes up, for the most part (who wouldn't want an extra FN lying around). I am really not ready (read "Hubs will kill me") for a new chin. CL is CL and I know there will always be chins on there. But I have seen 2 or 3 ads tonight that are billed as "cage" ads!!! The chins are thrown in there like they are extra bedding or something!!! One of these ads was listed in "Household Items" not even in pets!!!!!

I know what you mean!! I check CL every day. Trust me, it's not just chins. Birds and ferrets seem especially prone to being thrown in free with the cage. "I'll sell you this cage for $___, and you can keep the chinchilla/bird/ferret/whatever living in it." I always feel bad for the poor animal. If you want to sell your pet for whatever reason, give him/her the dignity of at least his/her own ad.

Also, the ones like "I'll trade you my chinchilla for a laptop" / etc. -sigh-
I've gotten chinchillas from people before when they don't want the bonus chin or the people sold the cage and now the chin is living in a pet taxi. It's sad, but people can be quite stupid and they actually think they are doing the appropriate thing.

The thing that scares me is that I know that I or someone else, who would be able to take in a rescue chin, will not always be contacted in a situation where the chin is not wanted and only the cage is needed. That's when people find chins hopping around apartment complexes and down residential streets - morons think it is alright to let a chinchilla go "out in the wild" in Phoenix or Tucson.
Whenever I see those ads, I try to think the best - oh, they're hoping the person will get the cage... mind you, with a chin in it.... and oh! keep the chin AND the cage. I don't think it happens that way.... I think more often the pet suffers. Relatively recently I responded to an ad on craigslist for a ferret nation - the ad said nothing about pets, just the FN. I responded and the lady said, oh, and it comes with this and this and this and a free chin.... I rescue, so no big deal, but what about everyone else? I just wanted the cage too....
I've gotten chinchillas from people before when they don't want the bonus chin or the people sold the cage and now the chin is living in a pet taxi.


I rescue, so no big deal, but what about everyone else? I just wanted the cage too....

As much as I love my guys, I can't afford/keep a fourth, esp. a female, which I would assume is probably pregnant. And yet, I would never leave it w/out a proper cage, so I'd probably end up making a special trip to somebody with space and baby chin experience simply b/c responsible owners seem thin on the ground. How many of us would do that, though, is hard to guess.

Sometimes I think pet care and child parenting should require an aptitude test, just like driving. :wacko:
I bought Gary from an ad like that. It worked out well for everyone. I didn't have a ton of money to spend on a cage, then a chin, then all the extras. but was glad to find a packaged deal. It turns out, the kid who had him graduated highschool an moved into an apartment where chins were not allowed. He ended up giving the chin to his cousin who admitted she didn't have enough time for him and rarely let him out to play. I drove all the way from Milwaukee, Wi to Rockford, IL because I wanted him so bad. Since i've had him, he gets smothered in attention, lots of play time, and love. So I guess my point is, is its probably good that they are being sold since the seller obviously isn't able to fulfill the chins needs and it gives beginner chin parents a good start :)
I am not sure whether my opinion is 100% accurate, but I do wonder wether people are listing it as a cage to hide the fact that it is really an animal for sale. According to the CL terms of use you can "rehome" but no "sell" and animal on the site. So what I am wondering is if these people list it as a cage when in reality they mean "I will give you a free cage if you will buy the animal that comes with it" and if they can sell each seperate than so much the better for their monetary desires. In some cases, such as the one greychins mentioned, this is obviously not true, but perhaps some are hoping to avoid the flagging war that ensues for an "animal for sale" in some areas.
You can list animals for sale provided you put them in the agricultural section. They have birds, rabbits, fish , cattle , horses and various other critters listed there with no issues. I don't think the common person looking to get rid of their chin will think to list it there though.