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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
Ok, you have been warned, do not drink or eat anything while reading this or you may have a mess to clean up! This happened to my friend today at the library.

True story, this just happened to a friend of mine. Still laughing.

This is a long one...
Today I took Alexander to the public library. While we were there Avalon got fussy and hungry so I grabbed her blanket, threw it over her, and let her nurse. A minute goes by and a woman comes by with her 3-4 year old son. She smiles and politely says " I really don't think you should have food or drinks in the library." I look over at Alexander but she clears her throat and looks down at Avalon nursing......I'm sitting here thinking " really lady?"..... I understand and respect that not everyone is comfortable with women nursing in public uncovered but I nurse covered up. I asked this woman if next time I should check my Ta-tas at the door then laughed, smiled and kept nursing. THEN she says "maybe take it to the bathroom then." "No thanks, I'm not feeding my child in a filthy bathroom." " It's so difficult getting through to you public nursers.....how do I explain to my son why that baby is covered up!?" " So your issue isn't that I'm nursing in a library and it's "food" but that I nurse in public, covered up?" "Yes".
Folks....for the first time with either of my kids, in public, I pulled that blanket off and nursed uncovered. "Now you don't have to explain why I'm feeding a baby under a blanket...have a great day!" Kill em with kindness........
So, hang on, this woman's problem was that she didn't want to explain to her kid that babies get milk from ****s???

Sounds like her poor kid is going to be in for a lot of surprises as he grows up....

haha, good for her! People kill me with their stupidity sometimes.
Kudos to you! I support peoples decision to breast feed especially discretely covered as you were obviously doing. For that matter if someone does not want to explain the real reason for the baby being covered up,then they could make up any number of reasons(sleeping,cold,etc). Admittedly I was never blessed to give birth to a child(ovarian cancer at early age) but I would have definitely breast fed.Being a high risk Ob-Gyn nurse for many years(disabled now) I was directly involved in the cultural change of our society back to breast feeding. I support whatever choice Moms make!It will always be the right choice that they make for them and their babies. I will admit that I would never have the guts to nurse uncovered though.Just to let you know that I think the majority of people appreciate discreetly breast feeding although I still remember my mother's absolute old fashioned shock when she saw someone nursing in public.LOL!! I asked her what else they were supposed to do(she was draped/covered) and when my Mom said "well she could go to the bathroom" without hesitation I asked if she would eat or would have bottle fed us in the bathroom. Enough said..
I don't get it, it's a ****. What's the big deal? ****s aren't sexual. They're basically milk sacks that happen to be stuck in uncomfortable contraptions sold by Victoria's Secret and other sinister establishments.

It's not that hard to turn to your kid and say, "Oh that lady? Yeah, she's nursing her baby." And basically turn it into a quick and easy science lesson. But apparently some parents are too...uptight.
I breastfed wherever and whenever with all four of my babies. Even smack in the middle of West Edmonton Mall. Gasp!! I didn't Care what others thought, my baby was hungry and had the right to be fed.
Stephanie was a challenge to nurse and so I was experienced by the time Tyler was born. I remember sitting cross-legged on the bed and the nurse pulling back the
curtain, taking one look at me and exclaiming "OH good, an expert and walking away.
Oh WOW! I know a lot of people are offended by "uncovered" nursing...and while I don't agree I can sort of get it. Nudity bothers some people. But COVERED nursing?!? C'mon people, get a grip! And yeah, if you want to shelter your kids "the baby is asleep, the baby is cold...how about, never you mind it's not your business"? OR, as mentioned, could be an awkward science moment..."babies get milk from their mothers, that's how they're fed" but being offended? I'm SO sick of this BS. Our country needs to quit being so uptight and start caring more about the wellbeing of the babies :) major Kudos...while I wouldn't have had the nerve to uncover (I did covered nursing here there and everywhere as my daughter was NEVER full)...I would've ignored the idiot and kept about MY business.